Leviticus 10:1-3

1 Nadab and Abihu, for offering strange fire, are burnt by fire.

6 Aaron and his sons are forbidden to mourn for them.

8 The priests are forbidden wine when they are to go into the tabernacle.

12 The law of eating the holy things.

16 Aaron's excuse for transgressing thereof.


16:1; 22:9; Ex 6:23; 24:1,9; 28:1; Nu 3:3,4; 26:61


16:12; Ex 27:3; 38:3; Nu 16:6,7,16,17,46; Heb 9:4

put incense.

Ex 30:1-9,34-36; 31:11; 37:29; 40:27; 1Ki 13:1,2; 2Ch 26:16-20

Ps 141:2; Jer 44:8,15,19-21; Lu 1:9-11; Re 8:3-5


9:24; 16:12; Nu 16:18,46


Ex 30:9; De 4:2; 12:32; 17:3; Jer 7:31; 19:5; 32:35Bp. Hall says, "It is a dangerous thing, in the service of God, to decline from his institutions; we have to do with a God, who is wise to prescribe his own worship--just to require what he has prescribed--and powerful to avenge what he has not prescribed."


9:24; 16:1; Nu 3:3,4; 16:35; 26:61; 2Sa 6:7; 2Ki 1:10,12; 1Ch 24:2

they died.

Nu 3:3,4; 16:32,33,49; 26:61; 1Sa 6:19; 1Ch 13:10; 15:13; Ac 5:5,10

1Co 10:11This fire, which destroyed the sacrificers, came from the same source with that which had consumed the sacrifices.

See ch.

9:24Note. They died.--The wages of sin is death.--They died suddenly--they died before the Lord; that is, before the vail that covered the mercy-seat.--They died by fire, as by fire they sinned. The fire did not burn them to ashes, as it had done the sacrifices, nor so much as singe their coats, (ver. 5) but struck them dead in an instant. By these different effects of the same fire, we learn that it was no common fire, but kindled by the breath of the Almighty.

Isa 30:33

I will be.

8:35; 21:6,8,15,17,21; 22:9; Ex 14:4; 19:22; 29:43,44; Nu 20:12

De 32:51; 1Sa 6:20; 1Ch 15:12,13; Ps 89:7; 119:120; Isa 52:11

Eze 20:41; 42:13; Heb 12:28,29


1Sa 2:30; Isa 49:3; Eze 28:22; Joh 12:28; 13:31,32; 14:13

Ac 5:11-13; 2Th 1:10; 1Pe 4:17


Ge 18:25; 1Sa 3:18; Job 1:20,21; 2:10; Ps 39:9; 46:10; Isa 39:8

Mt 10:37

Numbers 16:35

And there.

11:1; 26:10; Le 10:2; Ps 106:18

two hundred.


1 Samuel 6:19

he smote.

Ex 19:21; Le 10:1-3; Nu 4:4,5,15,20; De 29:29; 2Sa 6:7

1Ch 13:9,10; Col 2:18; 1Pe 4:17

fifty thousand.As it is very improbable that the village of Beth-shemesh should contain, or be capable of employing, 50,070 men in the fields at wheat harvest, much less that they could all peep into the ark, and from the uncommon manner in which it is expressed in the original, it is generally allowed that there is some corruption in the text, or that some explanatory word is omitted. The Hebrew is {shivim ish, chamishim aileph ish,} literally, "seventy men, fifty thousand men:" so LXX. [ .] Vulgate, {septuaginta viros, et quinquaginta millia plebis,} "70 (chief) men, and 50,000 common people." Targum, {besabey âmma,} "of the elders of the people 70 men, {ovekahala,} and in the congregation 50,000 men." But the Syriac, {chamsho alphin weshivin gavrin,} "5,000 and 70 men;" with which the Arabic agrees; while Josephus has only [ ,] seventy men; and three reputable MSS. of Dr. Kennicott's also omit "50,000 men." Some learned men, however, would render, by supplying [Mêm,] {mem,} "70 men; fifty out of a thousand;" which supposes about 1,400 present, and that a twentieth part were slain.

2 Chronicles 26:16-20

when he was.

25:19; 32:25; De 8:14,17; 32:13-15; Pr 16:18; Hab 2:4; Col 2:18

went into.

2Ki 16:12,13

to burn.

Nu 16:1,7,18,35; 1Ki 12:33; 13:1-4


1Ch 6:10

valiant men.

1Ch 12:28; 26:6

withstood Uzziah.

16:7-9; 19:2; Jer 13:18; Mt 10:18,28; 14:4; 2Co 5:16; Ga 2:11

not unto thee.

Nu 16:40,46-48; 18:7

to the priests.

Ex 30:7,8; Heb 5:4

go out.

1Co 5:5

neither shall it be.

1Sa 2:30; Da 4:37; Joh 5:44; Jas 2:1


16:10; 25:16


Nu 12:10; 2Ki 5:27

hated also.

Es 6:12

the Lord.

Le 14:34; De 28:22,35

1 Corinthians 11:30-32


32; Ex 15:26; Nu 20:12,24; 21:6-9; 2Sa 12:14-18; 1Ki 13:21-24

Ps 38:1-8; 78:30,31; 89:31-34; Am 3:2; Heb 12:5-11; Re 3:19


15:51; Ac 13:36; 1Th 4:14

28; Ps 32:3-5; Jer 31:18-20; Lu 15:18-20; 1Jo 1:9; Re 2:5; 3:2,3

we are.

30; De 8:5; Job 5:17,18; 33:18-30; 34:31,32; Ps 94:12,13; 118:18

Pr 3:11,12; Isa 1:5; Jer 7:28; Zep 3:2; Heb 12:5-11


Ro 3:19; 1Jo 5:19
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