Leviticus 23:34-36

The fifteenth.

Ex 23:16; 34:22; Nu 29:12; De 16:13-15; Ezr 3:4; Ne 8:14

Zec 14:16-19; Joh 1:14; 7:2; Heb 11:9,13

the feast of tabernacles.This feast was celebrated in commemoration of the Israelites' dwelling in tents in the wilderness for forty years; and was kept with greater hilarity than any of the other festivals. Hence, in the Talmud, it is often called {chag,} the feast, by way of excellence; and by Philo, [heorton megisten,] the greatest of the feasts; it was therefore more noticed by the heathen than any other. It is probable that Cecrops borrowed from it the law which he made in Athens, "that the master of every family should after harvest make a feast for his servants, and eat together with them who had taken pains with him in tilling his grounds."



Nu 29:12-38

the eighth.

2Ch 7:8-11; Ne 8:18; Joh 7:37

solemn. Heb. day of restraint.

De 16:8; Joe 1:14; 2:15; *marg:

1 Kings 8:2

at the feast.

Le 23:34; Nu 29:12-40; De 16:13; 2Ch 5:3; 7:8-10; Ezr 3:4

Ne 8:14-18; Zec 14:16-19; Joh 7:2,37

2 Chronicles 7:8-10


Le 23:34-43; Nu 29:12-38; De 16:13-15; 1Ki 8:65; Ne 8:13-18

Zec 14:16-19; Joh 7:2,27-39

a very great.


from the entering.That is, from one extremity of the land to another; Hamath being situated on the north, and the river of Egypt on the south.

Ge 15:18; Nu 34:5-8; Jos 13:3-5; 1Ki 4:21-25; Am 6:14

solemn assembly. Heb. restraint.

Le 23:36; De 16:8; Ne 8:18; Joe 1:14

seven days.

30:23; 1Ki 8:65

three and twentieth.

1Ki 8:66


29:36; 30:26; De 12:7,12,18; 16:11,14; Ne 8:10; Ps 32:11; 33:1; 92:4

Ps 100:2; 105:3; 106:5; Ac 2:46; 16:34; Php 4:4


6:41; Ex 18:1
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