Leviticus 26:3-4

18:4,5; De 11:13-15; 28:1-14; Jos 23:14,15; Jud 2:1,2; Ps 81:12-16

Isa 1:19; 48:18,19; Mt 7:24,25; Ro 2:7-10; Re 22:14

Then I.

De 28:12; 1Ki 17:1; Job 5:10; 37:11-13; 38:25-28; Ps 65:9-13; 68:9

Ps 104:13; Isa 5:6; 30:23; Jer 14:22; Eze 34:26,27; Joe 2:23,24

Am 4:7,8; Mt 5:45; Ac 14:17; Jas 5:7,17,18; Re 11:6

the land.

25:21; Ps 67:6; 85:12; Eze 34:27; 36:30; Hag 2:18,19; Zec 8:12

Proverbs 3:9-10

14:31; Ge 14:18-21; 28:22; Ex 22:29; 23:19; 34:26; 35:20-29

Nu 7:2-89; 31:50-54; De 26:2-15; Hag 1:4-9; Mal 3:8,9

Mr 14:7,8,10-21; Lu 14:13,14; 1Co 16:2; 2Co 8:2,3,8,9

Php 4:17,18; 1Jo 3:17,18

11:24,25; 19:17; 22:9; Le 26:2-5; De 28:8; Ec 11:1,2; Hag 2:19

Mal 3:10,11; Mt 10:42; 2Co 9:6-11

Ecclesiastes 11:1-2

1 Directions for charity.

7 Death in life,

9 and the day ofjudgment in the days of youth, are to be thought on.

Cast.That is, says Bp. Lowth, "Sow thy seed or corn on the face of the waters;" in plain terms, sow without any hope of a harvest: do good even to them on whom your benefactions seem thrown away. Dr. Jebb has well illustrated it by the following passages: "Vain are the favours done to vicious men; Not vainer 'tis to sow the foaming deep. The deep no pleasant harvest shall afford, Nor will the wicked ever make return." "To befriend the wicked is like sowing in the sea." These, indeed, invert this precept; nor is it extraordinary that they should; "The one, frail human power alone produced, The other, God."

thy bread.

De 15:7-11; Pr 11:24,25; 22:9; Isa 32:8

waters. Heb. face of the waters.

Isa 32:20


6; De 15:10; Ps 41:1,2; 126:5,6; Pr 11:18; 19:17; Mt 10:13,42; 25:40

Lu 14:14; 2Co 9:6; Ga 6:8-10; Heb 6:10

a portion.

Ne 8:10; Es 9:19,22; Ps 112:9; Lu 6:30-35; 1Ti 6:18,19


Job 5:19; Pr 6:16; Mic 5:5; Mt 18:22; Lu 17:4


Da 4:27; Ac 11:28-30; Ga 6:1; Eph 5:16; Heb 13:3

Haggai 1:4-6


2Sa 7:2; Ps 132:3-5; Mt 6:33; Php 2:21


Ps 74:7; 102:14; Jer 26:6,18; 52:13; La 2:7; 4:1; Eze 24:21

Da 9:17,18,26,27; Mic 3:12; Mt 24:1,2


7; 2:15-18; La 3:40; Eze 18:28; Lu 15:17; 2Co 13:5; Ga 6:4

Consider your ways. Heb. Set your heart on your ways.

Ex 7:23; 9:21; *marg:

Ps 48:13; *marg:

Eze 40:4; Da 6:14; 10:12


9; 2:16; Le 26:20; De 28:38-40; 2Sa 21:1; Ps 107:34; Isa 5:10

Jer 14:4; Ho 4:10; 8:7; Joe 1:10-13; Am 4:6-9; Mic 6:14,15; Zec 8:10

Mal 2:2; 3:9-11


Le 26:26; 1Ki 17:12; Job 20:22; Jer 44:18; Eze 4:16,17

with holes. Heb. pierced through.

Job 20:28; Zec 5:4

Haggai 1:9-11

Ye looked.They had used all proper means in the cultivation of their lands, and had "sown much;" but when they rationally entertained the most sanguine expectations of a large increase, they were strangely disappointed; and even what they had brought home was unaccountably wasted, as if the Lord had "blown upon it," and driven it away! And the reason was, because they neglected the temple, and left it in ruins, whilst they eagerly employed themselves in building and decorating their own houses; therefore they were visited by drought and famine, and by various diseases on man and beast.

6; 2:16,17; Isa 17:10,11; Mal 3:8-11

blow upon it. or, blow it away.

2Sa 22:16; 2Ki 19:7; Isa 40:7; Mal 2:2


Job 10:2; Ps 77:5-10


4; Jos 7:10-15; 2Sa 21:1; Mt 10:37,38; 1Co 11:30-32; Re 2:4; 3:19

Le 26:19; De 28:23,24; 1Ki 8:35; 17:1; Jer 14:1-6; Ho 2:9

Joe 1:18-20

I called.

De 28:22; 1Ki 17:1; 2Ki 8:1; Job 34:29; La 1:21; Am 5:8; 7:4; 9:6

upon all.


Haggai 2:18-19


15; De 32:29; Lu 15:17-20


1:14,15; Ezr 5:1,2; Zec 8:9,12


Hab 3:17,18


Ge 26:12; Le 26:3-13; De 15:10; 28:2-15; Ps 84:12; 128:1-5; 133:3

Pr 3:9,10; Zec 8:11-15; Mal 3:10; Mt 6:33

Malachi 3:8-10

a man.

Ps 29:2; Pr 3:9,10; Mt 22:21; Mr 12:17; Lu 20:25; Ro 13:7


1:8,13; Le 5:15,16; 27:2-34; Nu 18:21-32; Jos 7:11; Ne 13:4-14

Ro 2:22

2:2; De 28:15-19; Jos 7:12,13; 22:20; Isa 43:28; Hag 1:6-11; 2:14-17


2Ch 31:4-10; Ne 10:33-39; Pr 3:9,10

the storehouse.

1Ch 26:20; 2Ch 31:11-19; Ne 10:38; 12:44,47; 13:5,10-13

and prove.

1Ki 17:13-16; Ps 37:3; Hag 2:19; Mt 6:33; 2Co 9:6-8


Ge 7:11; De 28:12; 2Ki 7:2,19

pour you out. Heb. empty out.

Ec 11:3

that there.

Le 26:10; 2Ch 31:10; Lu 5:6,7; 12:16,17; Joh 21:6-11
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