Leviticus 4:12

without the camp. Heb. to without the camp.This was intended, figuratively, to express the enormity of this sin, and the availableness of the atonement. The sacrifice, as having the sin of the priest transferred from himself to it, by his confession and imposition of hands, was become unclean and abominable, and was carried, as it were, out of God's sight; and thus its own offensiveness was removed, with the sin of the person in whose behalf it was offered.

13:46; Nu 5:3; 15:35; 19:3

the ashes.


burn him.

Ex 29:14; Nu 19:5; Heb 13:11

where the ashes are poured out. Heb. at the pouring out ofthe ashes.

Leviticus 4:21

as he.


a sin offering.

16:15,21; 2Ch 29:21-24; Ezr 8:35; Mt 20:28; 2Co 5:21; 1Ti 2:5,6

Leviticus 14:40-41

take away.

Ps 101:5,7,8; Pr 22:10; 25:4,5; Isa 1:25,26; Mt 18:17; Joh 15:2

1Co 5:5,6,13; Tit 3:10; 2Jo 1:10,11; Re 2:2,6,14-16,20

without the city.

Re 22:15

into an unclean place.

Job 36:13,14; Isa 65:4; Mt 8:28; 24:51; 1Ti 1:20; Re 22:15

Leviticus 16:27


4:11,12,21; 6:30; 8:17


Mt 27:31-33; Heb 13:11-14

Hebrews 13:11-13

the bodies.

Ex 29:14; Le 4:5-7,11,12,16-21; 6:30; 9:9,11; 16:14-19,27; Nu 19:3


2:11; 9:13,14,18,19; 10:29; Joh 17:19; 19:34; 1Co 6:11; Eph 5:26

1Jo 5:6-8


Le 24:23; Nu 15:36; Jos 7:24; Mr 15:20-24; Joh 19:17,18; Ac 7:58

11:26; 12:3; Mt 5:11; 10:24,25; 16:24; 27:32,39-44; Lu 6:22; Ac 5:41

1Co 4:10-13; 2Co 12:10; 1Pe 4:4,14-16
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