Mark 5:1-20

1 Christ delivering the possessed of the legion of devils,

13 they enter into the swine.

22 He is entreated by Jairus to go and heal his daughter.

25 He heals the woman of the bloody issue,

35 and raises from death Jairus' daughter.

4:35; Mt 8:28-34; Lu 8:26-39


Isa 65:4; Lu 8:27

a man.Matthew gives a brief account of two demoniacs who were dispossessed on this occasion; but Mark and Luke omit the mention of one (who was perhaps not so remarkable). That these wretched men were not merely mad, as some suppose, but really possessed of evil spirits, appears clearly from the language employed, as well as from the narrative itself. Matthew expressly affirms that they were "possessed with devils," or demoniacs, [daimonizomai ;] Mark says he had "an unclean spirit," i.e., a fallen spirit; and Luke asserts, that he "had devils (or demons) a long time," and was called Legion, "because many devils were entered into him." With supernatural strength the demons burst asunder the chains and fetters with which he was bound; they address Christ as the "Son of the most high God;" they beseech him to suffer them to enter into the swine; and when he had given them leave, they "went out and entered into the swine," etc.


8; 1:23,26; 3:30; 7:25; Lu 9:42

9:18-22; Isa 65:4; Da 4:32,33; Lu 8:29


Jas 3:7,8


1Ki 18:28; Job 2:7,8; Joh 8:44

he ran.

Ps 66:3; *marg:

Ps 72:9; Lu 4:41; Ac 16:17; Jas 2:19


1:24; Ho 14:8; Mt 8:29; Lu 4:34


3:11; 14:61; Mt 16:16; Joh 20:31; Ac 8:37; 16:17

I adjure.

1Ki 22:16; Mt 26:63; Ac 19:13


Ge 3:15; Mt 8:29; Lu 8:28; Ro 16:20; Heb 2:14; 2Pe 2:4; 1Jo 3:8

Jude 1:6; Re 12:12; 20:1-3

1:25; 9:25,26; Ac 16:18


Lu 8:30; 11:21-26


Mt 12:45; 26:53

13; 3:22


Le 11:7,8; De 14:8; Isa 65:4; 66:3; Mt 8:30; Lu 8:32

Job 1:10-12; 2:5; Lu 22:31,32; 2Co 2:11; 1Pe 5:8


1Ki 22:22; Job 1:12; 2:6; Mt 8:32; 1Pe 3:22; Re 13:5-7; 20:7

the herd.

Joh 8:44; Re 9:11

Mt 8:33; Lu 8:34

him that.

4; Isa 49:24,25; Mt 9:33; 12:29; Lu 8:35,36; 10:39; Col 1:13

and they.

1Sa 6:20,21; 16:4; 1Ch 13:12; 15:13; Job 13:11; Ps 14:5; 2Ti 1:7


7; 1:24; Ge 26:16; De 5:25; 1Ki 17:18; Job 21:14,15; Mt 8:34; Lu 5:8

Lu 8:37; Ac 16:39


7,17; Ps 116:12; Lu 8:38,39; 17:15-17; 23:42,43; Php 1:23,24

Go home.

Ps 66:16; Isa 38:9-20; Da 4:1-3,37; 6:25-27; Jon 2:1-10; Joh 4:29

Ac 22:1-21; 26:4-29


7:31; Mt 4:25

Luke 8:26-39

Mt 8:28-34


Mr 5:1-20


Mr 5:2-5

and ware.

1Sa 19:24


Nu 19:16; Isa 65:4

he cried.

4:33-36; Mt 8:29; Mr 1:24-27; 5:6-8; Ac 16:16-18



I beseech.

Isa 27:1; 2Pe 2:4; 1Jo 3:8; Jas 2:19; Re 20:1-3,10


Mr 5:8; Ac 19:12-16


9:39,42; Mr 5:3-5; 9:20-26; 2Ti 2:25,26


Mt 26:53; Mr 5:9


2; Mt 8:29; Mr 16:9


28; Job 1:11; 2:5; Php 2:10,11

the deep."The abyss," says Dr. Doddridge, "the prison in which many of these fallen spirits are detained; and to which some, who may, like these, have been permitted for a while to range at large, are sometimes by Divine justice and power remanded."

Mt 25:41; Re 9:2; 19:20; 20:2,3,14,15

there an.

Le 11:7; Isa 65:4; 66:3; Mt 8:30-33; Mr 5:11-13


Job 1:10; Ps 62:11; Joh 19:11; 1Jo 4:4

he suffered.

1Ki 22:22; Job 1:12; 2:6; Re 20:7

Then.By this was fully evinced the sovereign power of our Lord, and the reality of diabolical agency; "for," says Dr. Doddridge, "it was self-evident that a herd of swine could not be confederates in any fraud; their death, therefore, in this instructive circumstance, was ten thousand times a greater blessing to mankind than if they had been slain for food, as was intended."

the herd.

Joh 8:44; 1Pe 5:8; Re 9:11

they fled.

Mt 8:33; 28:11; Mr 5:14; Ac 19:16,17

and found.

Isa 49:24,25; 53:12; Heb 2:14,15; 1Jo 3:8


2:46; 10:39; Mr 5:15; Ac 22:3


27; 15:17

in his.

Ps 51:10



28; 5:8; De 5:25; 1Sa 6:20; 2Sa 6:8,9; 1Ki 17:18; Job 21:14,15

Mt 8:34; Mr 5:17; Ac 16:39

and he.

9:5,56; 10:10,11,16


28,37; De 10:20,21; Ps 27:4; 32:7; 116:12,16; Mr 5:18; Php 1:23


Ex 12:25-27; 13:8,9,14-16; Ps 71:17,18; 78:3-6; 107:21,22,31,32

Ps 111:2-4; 145:3-12; Isa 63:7-13; Mr 5:19,20; Ac 9:13-16

Ga 1:23,24; 1Ti 1:13-16


1Ti 5:8

and published.

17:15-18; De 10:21; Ps 66:16; 126:2,3; Da 4:1-3,34-37; Mr 1:45

Joh 4:29

Acts 10:38


2:22; 4:27; Ps 2:2,6; *marg:

Ps 45:7; Isa 11:2; 42:1; 61:1-3; Mt 12:28; Lu 3:22; 4:18; Joh 3:34

Joh 6:27; 10:36-38; Heb 1:9


2Ch 17:9; Mt 4:23-25; 9:35; 12:15; 15:21-31; Mr 1:38,39; 3:7-11

Mr 6:6,54-56; Lu 7:10-17,21-23; 9:56; 1Pe 5:8


Mr 5:13-15; 7:29,30; Lu 4:33-36; 9:42; Heb 2:14,15; 1Jo 3:8


Joh 3:2; 10:32,38; 16:32
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