Matthew 5:20


23:2-5,23-28; Lu 11:39,40,44; 12:1; 16:14,15; 18:10-14; 20:46,47

Ro 9:30-32; 10:2,3; 2Co 5:17; Php 3:9


3:10; 7:21; 18:5; Mr 10:15,25; Lu 18:17,24,25; Joh 3:3-5; Heb 12:14

Re 21:27

Matthew 7:21-23


25:11,12; Ho 8:2,3; Lu 6:46; 13:25; Ac 19:13-20; Ro 2:13; Tit 1:16

Jas 1:22; 2:20-26


18:3; 19:24; 21:31; 25:11,12,21; Isa 48:1,2; Mr 9:47; 10:23,24

Lu 18:25; Joh 3:5; Ac 14:22; Heb 4:6


12:50; 21:29-31; Mr 3:35; Lu 11:28; Joh 6:40; 7:17; Ro 12:2; Eph 6:6

Col 4:12; 1Th 4:3; 5:18; Heb 13:21; 1Pe 2:15; 4:2; 1Jo 3:21-24

Re 22:14


10:32,33; 16:17; 18:10,19,35; 26:39,42; Joh 5:17; 10:29,30; 14:7

Joh 15:23; Re 2:27; 3:5

to me. See on ver.

21; 24:36; Isa 2:11,17; Mal 3:17,18; Lu 10:12; 1Th 5:4; 2Th 1:10

2Ti 1:12,18; 4:8

have we.

10:5-8; Nu 24:4; 31:8; 1Ki 22:11-20; Jer 23:13-32; Lu 13:26

Joh 11:51; Ac 19:13-15; 1Co 13:1,2; Heb 6:4-6

I never.

25:12; Joh 10:14,27-30; 2Ti 2:19


25:41; Ps 5:5; 6:8; Lu 13:25,27; Re 22:15

Matthew 7:26-27


1Sa 2:30; Pr 14:1; Jer 8:9; Lu 6:49; Jas 2:20

12:43-45; 13:19-22; Eze 13:10-16; 1Co 3:13; Heb 10:26-31

2Pe 2:20-22

Luke 6:49

that heareth.

46; 8:5-7; 19:14,27; Jer 44:16,17; Eze 33:31; Mt 21:29,30; 23:3

Joh 15:2; Jas 1:22-26; 2:17-26; 2Pe 1:5-9; 1Jo 2:3,4


Mt 13:20-22; 24:10; Ac 20:29; 26:11; 1Th 3:5


Pr 28:18; Ho 4:14; Mt 12:43-45; Mr 4:17; 1Jo 2:19

the ruin.

10:12-16; 11:24-26; 12:47; Heb 10:26-29; 2Pe 2:20

Acts 8:13

Simon.This Simon was probably, as several learned men suppose, the same who is mentioned by Josephus, as persuading Drusilla to leave her husband, and live with Felix.


21; Ps 78:35-37; 106:12,13; Lu 8:13; Joh 2:23-25; 8:30,31

Jas 2:19-26

and wondered.

3:10; 13:44; Hab 1:5; Joh 5:20; 7:21

miracles and signs. Gr. signs and great miracles.

7; Mr 16:17

Acts 8:21


Jos 22:25; Eze 14:3; Re 20:6; 22:19


2Ch 25:2; Ps 36:1; 78:36,37; Hab 2:4; Mt 6:22-24; Joh 21:17

Heb 4:13; Re 2:23

Acts 15:9


14:1,27; Ro 3:9,22,29,30; 4:11,12; 9:24; 10:11-13; 1Co 7:18; Ga 3:28

Ga 5:6; Eph 2:14-22; 3:6; Col 3:11


10:15,28,43,44; 1Co 1:2; Heb 9:13,14; 1Pe 1:22

James 1:22-25


4:17; Mt 7:21-25; 12:50; 28:20; Lu 6:46-48; 11:28; 12:47,48

Joh 13:17; Ro 2:13; Php 4:8; Col 3:17; 1Jo 2:3; 3:7; 3Jo 1:11; Re 22:7


26; Isa 44:20; Ob 1:3; 1Co 3:18; 6:9; 15:33; Ga 6:3,7; 2Ti 3:13

Tit 3:3; 2Pe 2:13; 1Jo 1:8; Re 12:9

2:14-26; Jer 44:16; Eze 33:31,32; Mt 7:26,27; Lu 6:47-7:16


Jud 8:18; Mt 8:27; Lu 1:66; 7:39; 1Th 1:5; 2Pe 3:11


Pr 14:15; Isa 8:20; 2Co 13:5; Heb 12:15

the perfect.

2:12; Ps 19:7-10; 119:32,45,96-105; Ro 7:12,22,23


Joh 8:32,36; Ro 8:15; 2Co 3:17,18; Ga 5:1; 1Pe 2:16


1Sa 12:14; Joh 8:31; 15:9,10; Ac 2:42; 13:43; 26:22; Ro 2:7,8; 11:22

Col 1:23; 1Ti 2:15; 4:16; 1Jo 2:24

a forgetful.



Ps 19:11; 106:3; 119:2,3; Lu 6:47-49; 11:28; Joh 13:17; 1Co 15:58

Re 14:13; 22:14

deed. or, doing.

James 2:18


14,22; Ro 14:23; 1Co 13:2; Ga 5:6; Heb 11:6,31

without thy works.Some copies read, by thy works.

and I will.

22-25; 3:13; Mt 7:17; Ro 8:1; 2Co 5:17; 7:1; 1Th 1:3-10; 1Ti 1:5

Tit 2:7,11-14

James 2:26


Job 34:14,15; Ps 104:29; 146:4; Ec 12:7; Isa 2:22; Lu 23:46

Ac 7:59,60

spirit. or, breath. so.

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