Numbers 15:35

The man.

Ex 31:14,15

stone him.

Le 24:14,23; 1Ki 21:13; Ac 7:58; Heb 13:11,12

1 Kings 21:10

two men.

De 19:15; Mt 26:59,60; Ac 6:11

sons of Belial.

De 13:13; Jud 19:22

Thou didst blaspheme.Some, with Parkhurst, would render the original, {bairachta elohim wamailech,} "Thou hast blessed the gods and Molech;" a sense, however, which seems extremely forced, and is not acknowledged by any of the ancient versions, though the LXX. and Vulgate render {bairachta} by [eulogese,] {benedixit,} "blessed." It is no unusual thing for a word to have opposite senses.

Ex 22:28; Le 24:15; Mt 26:59-66; Joh 10:33; Ac 6:13

1 Kings 21:13

the men of Belial.

Ex 20:16; De 5:20; 19:16-21; Ps 27:12; 35:11; Pr 6:19; 19:5,9; 25:18

Mal 3:5; Mr 14:56-59

blaspheme God.

Job 1:5,11; 2:9; Mt 9:3; Ac 6:11

the king.

Ec 10:20; Isa 8:21; Am 7:10; Lu 23:2; Joh 19:12; Ac 24:5

they carried him.

Le 24:11-16; Nu 15:35,36; De 13:10; 21:21; 22:21,24; Jos 7:24,25

2Ki 9:26; Ec 4:1; Ac 7:57-59

Isaiah 53:7


Mt 26:63; 27:12-14; Mr 14:61; 15:5; Lu 23:9; Joh 19:9; 1Pe 2:23

he is.

Ac 8:32,33

Matthew 20:19

shall deliver.

27:2-10; Mr 15:1,16-20; Lu 23:1-5; Joh 18:28-38; Ac 3:13-16

1Co 15:3-7

to mock.

26:67,68; 27:27-31; Ps 22:7,8; 35:16; Isa 53:3; Mr 14:65

Mr 15:16-20,29-31; Lu 23:11; Joh 19:1-4

the third.

12:40; 16:21; Isa 26:19; Ho 6:2; Lu 24:46; 1Co 15:4

Matthew 21:39


26:50,57; Mr 14:46-53; Lu 22:52-54; Joh 18:12,24; Ac 2:23; 4:25-27


Heb 13:11-13


Ac 2:23; 3:14,15; 4:10; 5:30; 7:52; Jas 5:6

John 19:16

Mt 27:26-31; Mr 15:15-20; Lu 23:24

John 19:27


Ge 45:8; 47:12; Mt 12:48-50; 25:40; Mr 3:34; 1Ti 5:2-4


1Jo 3:18,19


1:11; 16:32
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