Numbers 21:1-9

1 Israel destroys the Canaanites at Hormah.

4 The people murmuring are plagued with fiery serpents.

7 They repenting are healed by a brazen serpent.

10 Sundry journeys of the Israelites.

21 Sihon is overcome,

33 and Og.


33:40; Jos 12:14; Jud 1:16

the way of the spies.Dr. Kennicott remarks, that the word {atharim,} rendered spies in our version, is in the Greek a proper name ([Atharein,] Atharim).

13:21,22; 14:45


De 2:32; Jos 7:5; 11:19,20; Ps 44:3,4


Ge 28:20; Jud 11:30; 1Sa 1:11; 2Sa 15:7,8; Ps 56:12,13; 116:18

Ps 132:2

I will.

Le 27:28,29; De 13:15; Jos 6:17,26; 1Co 16:22


Ps 10:17; 91:15; 102:17

and they utterly.{Wyyacharem,} rather with the LXX. [kai anethematisen,] "and they anathematised, or devoted them to destruction;" for it is certain that these Canaanites and Arad were not utterly destroyed till the time of Joshua. (Jos 12:14.)

the name.

14:45; De 1:44; 1Sa 30:30{Hormah,} that is, utter destruction. {Chormah,} rather a devoting to destruction: so LXX. [Anathema,] and Tremellius, {devotio sive anathema.}

mount Hor.

20:22,23,27; 33:41

by the way.

14:25; De 1:40


20:18-21; De 2:5-8; Jud 11:18

the soul.

32:7,9; Ex 6:9; Ac 14:22; 1Th 3:3,4

discouraged. or, grieved. Heb. shortened.

Ex 6:9


11:1-6; 14:1-4; 16:13,14,41; 17:12; Ex 14:11; 15:24; 16:2,3,7,8

Ex 17:2,3; Ps 68:6; 78:19

and our soul.

11:6-9; Ex 16:15,31; Ps 78:24,25; Pr 27:7

Ge 3:14,15; De 8:15; Isa 14:29; 30:6; Jer 8:17; Am 9:3,4; 1Co 10:9

We have.

Ex 9:27,28; 1Sa 12:19; 15:24,30; Ps 78:34; Mt 27:4


Ex 8:8,28; 1Ki 13:6; Jer 37:3; Ac 8:24; Jas 5:16

And Moses.

11:2; 14:17-20; Ge 20:7; Ex 32:11,30; De 9:20,26-29

1Sa 12:20-23; Job 42:8,10; Ps 106:23; Jer 15:1; Ro 10:1

Ps 106:43-45; 145:8

A serpent of.

2Ki 18:4; Joh 3:14,15; 12:32; Ro 8:3; 2Co 5:21

when he.

Isa 45:22; Zec 12:10; Joh 1:29; Heb 12:2; 1Jo 3:8

he lived.

Joh 6:40; Ro 1:17; 5:20,21
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