Numbers 23:1

1 Balak's sacrifices.

7 Balaam's parables.

13 Balak's sacrifices.

18 Balaam's parables.

25 Balak's sacrifices.

Build me.

29; Eze 33:31; Jude 1:11

seven altars.

Ex 20:24; 27:1-8; 1Sa 15:22; 2Ki 18:22; Ps 50:8,9; Pr 15:8

Isa 1:11-15; Mt 23:14

seven oxen.

29:32; 1Ch 15:26; 2Ch 29:21; Job 42:8; Eze 45:23

Numbers 23:14

Pisgah. or, the hill.

21:20; De 3:27; *marg:

De 4:49; 34:1; *marg:

built seven.

1,2,29; Isa 1:10,11; 46:6; Ho 12:11

Numbers 23:30


1 Kings 21:9

Proclaim a fast.

Ge 34:13-17; Isa 58:4; Mt 2:8; 23:14; Lu 20:47; Joh 18:28

on high among. Heb. in the top of.

1 Kings 21:12

8-10; Isa 58:4

Psalms 50:16-21


Isa 48:22; 55:6,7; Eze 18:27


Pr 26:7; Isa 1:11-15; 48:1,2; 58:1-7; Jer 7:4-7; Mt 7:3-5,22,23

Joh 4:24; Ac 19:13-16; Ro 2:17-24; 1Co 9:27; 2Pe 2:15

thou shouldest.

25:14; 78:36-38; Eze 20:37,38; Heb 8:9


Pr 1:7,28,29; 5:12,13; 8:36; 12:1; Joh 3:20; Ro 1:28; 2:21,23

2Th 2:10-12; 2Ti 4:3,4


Ne 9:26; Isa 5:23; Jer 8:9; 18:12; 36:23-32


Pr 1:10-19; Isa 5:23; Mic 7:3; Ro 1:32; Eph 5:11-13

hast been partaker. Heb. thy portion was.

Le 20:10; Job 31:9-11; Pr 2:16-19; 7:19-23; Jer 5:8,9; Heb 13:4


Mt 23:30; 1Ti 5:22

givest. Heb. sendest.

52:3-4; Jer 9:5


5:9; 10:7; 12:2,3; 36:3,4; 55:12,21; 64:3-5; Isa 59:3,4; Ho 4:2

Ro 3:13,14; Jas 3:5-9; Re 21:8


31:18; Mt 5:11; Lu 22:65


Le 19:16; Pr 10:18; 1Ti 3:11; Tit 2:3; Re 12:10

thine own.

Mt 10:21

I kept.

3; 109:1-3; Ec 8:11,12; Isa 26:10; 57:11; Ro 2:4,5; 2Pe 3:9


73:11; 94:7-11; Nu 23:19; Isa 40:15-18

that I was altogether such an one as thyself.Or, as Bishop Horsley renders, "that I AM [{Eheyeh}] is such an one as thyself."

Ex 3:14


8; Pr 29:1; Re 3:19


90:8; Ec 12:14; Am 8:7; 1Co 4:5

Proverbs 21:27


15:8; 28:9; 1Sa 13:12,13; 15:21-23; Ps 50:8-13; Isa 1:11-16; 66:3

Jer 6:20; 7:11,12; Am 5:21,22

with a wicked mind. Heb. in wickedness.

Mt 23:14

Isaiah 1:10-16


1Ki 22:19-23; Am 3:1,8; Mic 3:8-12


Ge 13:13; De 32:32; Jer 9:26; 23:14; Eze 16:46; Am 9:7; Re 11:8

what purpose.

66:3; 1Sa 15:22; Ps 50:8; 51:16; Pr 15:8; 21:27; Jer 6:20; 7:21

Am 5:21; Mic 6:7; Mt 9:13

he-goats. Heb. great he-goats.


58:1,2; Ex 23:17; 34:23; De 16:16; Ec 5:1; Mt 23:5

appear. Heb. be seen. required.

Ps 40:6; Mic 6:8


Eze 20:39; Mal 1:10; Mt 15:9; Lu 11:42


66:3; Pr 21:27

the new.

Le 23:1-44; Nu 28:1-29:40; De 16:1-22; La 2:6; Joe 1:14; 2:15

it is.

1Co 11:17; Php 1:15

iniquity. or, grief.

Ps 78:40; Eph 4:30

my soul.

61:8; Am 5:21

I am weary.

43:24; Am 2:13; Zec 11:8; Mal 2:17


59:2; 1Ki 8:22,54; Ezr 9:5; Job 27:8,9,20; Ps 66:18; 134:2

Pr 1:28; Jer 14:12; Eze 8:17,18; Mic 3:4; Zec 7:13; Lu 13:25-28

1Ti 2:8

I will.

58:7; Ps 55:1

make many prayers. Heb. multiply prayer.

Mt 6:7; 23:14

your hands.

59:2,3; Jer 7:8-10; Mic 3:9-11

blood. Heb. bloods.


Job 11:13,14; Ps 26:6; Jer 4:14; Ac 22:16; 2Co 7:1; Jas 4:8

Re 7:14

put away.

55:6,7; Eze 18:30,31; Zec 1:3,4; Mt 3:8; Eph 4:22-24; Tit 2:11-14

1Pe 2:1


Ps 34:14; 37:27; Am 5:15; Ro 12:9; Eph 4:25-29; 1Pe 3:11
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