Psalms 143:6-7

stretch forth.

44:20; 88:9; Job 11:13

my soul.

42:1,2; 63:1; 84:2; Isa 26:8,9; 35:7; Joh 7:37

Hear me.

13:1-4; 40:13,17; 70:5; 71:12

my spirit.

40:12; 69:3; Isa 57:16; Lu 21:26

hide not.

22:24; 27:9; 69:17; Isa 8:17

lest I be like, etc. or, for I am become like, etc. untothem.

28:1; 88:4-6,10,11; Isa 38:18

Lamentations 1:12

Is it nothing. or, It is nothing. pass by. Heb. pass bythe way. if. The church in distress here magnifies her affliction; and yet no more than there was cause for her groaning was not heavier than her strokes. She appeals to all spectators--see if there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow. This might truly be said of the griefs which were suffered in Jerusalem of old; but Christians are apt to apply these words too sensibly and sensitively to themselves, when they are in trouble, and sometimes more than there is reasonable cause to warrant. All men feel most from their own burden, and cannot be persuaded to reconcile themselves to it; how often do thy cry out in the words we are illustrating! whereas, if their troubles were to be thrown into a common stock with those of others, and then an equal dividend made, share and share alike, rather than approve such an arrangement, each would be ready to say, "Pray give me my own again."--Henry.

2:13; 4:6-11; Da 9:12; Mt 24:21; Lu 21:22,23; 23:28-31

Lamentations 3:53-56


Jer 37:20; 38:6,9


Da 6:17; Mt 27:60,66


Ps 18:4; 69:1,2,15; 124:4,5; Jon 2:3-5

I said.

18; Job 17:11-16; Ps 31:22; Isa 38:10-13; Eze 37:11; 2Co 1:8-10

2Ch 33:11,12; Ps 18:5,6; 40:1,2; 69:13-18; 116:3,4; 130:1,2

Ps 142:3-7; Jer 38:6; Jon 2:2-4; Ac 16:24-28


2Ch 33:13,19; Job 34:28; Ps 3:4; 6:8,9; 34:6; 66:19; 116:1,2

Isa 38:5


Ps 55:1; 88:13,14; Ro 8:26

Jonah 2:2-3

I cried.

Ge 32:7-12,24-28; 1Sa 30:6; Ps 4:1; 18:4-6; 22:24; 34:6; 65:2

Ps 120:1; 142:1-3; Lu 22:44; Heb 5:7

by reason of mine. or, out of mine.

1Sa 1:16


Ps 18:5,6; 61:2; 86:13; 88:1-7; 116:3

hell. or, the grave.

Ps 16:10; Isa 14:9; Mt 12:40; Ac 2:27

and thou.

Ps 34:6; 65:2


1:12-16; Ps 69:1,2,14,15; 88:5-8; La 3:54

midst. Heb. heart. all.

Ps 42:7

John 12:27


11:33-35; 13:21; Ps 69:1-3; 88:3; Isa 53:3; Mt 26:38,39,42

Mr 14:33-36; Lu 22:44,53; Heb 5:7


Isa 38:15; Lu 12:49,50


11:41; Mt 26:53,54


18:37; Lu 22:53; 1Ti 1:15; Heb 2:14; 10:5-9

Hebrews 5:7


2:14; Joh 1:14; Ro 8:3; Ga 4:4; 1Ti 3:16; 1Jo 4:3; 2Jo 1:7


Ps 22:1-21; 69:1; 88:1; Mt 26:28-44; Mr 14:32-39; Le 2:2; 4:4-14

Joh 17:1


Mt 27:46,50; Mr 15:34,37


Isa 53:3,11; Joh 11:35


Mt 26:52,53; Mr 14:36


13:20; Ps 18:19,20; 22:21,24; 40:1-3; 69:13-16; Isa 49:8; Joh 11:42

Joh 17:4,5

in that he feared. or, for his piety.

12:28; Mt 26:37,38; Mr 14:33,34; Lu 22:42-44; Joh 12:27,28
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