Psalms 17:4


14:1-3; Ge 6:5,11; Job 15:16; 31:33; 1Co 3:3; 1Pe 4:2,3


119:9-11; Pr 2:10-15; Mt 4:4,7,10; Joh 17:17; Eph 6:17; Jas 1:18

Re 12:11


1Pe 5:8; Re 9:11; *marg:

Psalms 43:3


40:11; 57:3; 97:11; 119:105; 2Sa 15:20; Mic 7:8,20; Joh 1:4,17


25:4,5; 143:10; Pr 3:5,6

thy holy.

2:6; 3:4; 68:15,16; 78:68; 132:13,14


1Ch 16:1,39; 21:29

Psalms 119:9



25:7; 34:11; Job 1:5; 13:26; Pr 1:4,10; 4:1,10-17; 5:7-23; 6:20-35

Pr 7:7; Ec 11:9,10; 12:1; Lu 15:13; 2Ti 2:22; Tit 2:4-6

by taking.

11,97-105; 1:1-3; 19:7-11; 78:4-8; De 6:6-9; 17:18; Jos 1:7

Joh 15:3; 2Ti 3:15-17; Jas 1:21-25

Psalms 119:11

Thy word.

97; 1:2; 37:31; 40:8; Job 22:22; Pr 2:1,10,11; Isa 51:7; Jer 15:16

Lu 2:19,51; Col 3:16

that I.


Psalms 119:24


16,77,92,143,162; Job 27:10; Jer 6:10

my counsellors. Heb. men of my counsel.

97-100,104,105; 19:11; De 17:18-20; Jos 1:8; Pr 6:20-23; Isa 8:20

Col 3:16; 2Ti 3:15-17

Psalms 119:54

89:1; 10:1; Ge 47:9; Heb 11:13-16

Psalms 119:97


O how.

48,113,127,159,165,167; 1:2; De 6:6-9; 17:19; Jos 1:8; Pr 2:10

Pr 18:1

Psalms 119:148


62; 63:1,6; 139:17,18; La 2:19; Lu 6:12

the night watches.The ancient Jews divided the night into three watches of four hours each, beginning at six o'clock in the evening; before the last of which, "the day break," or "morning watch," as the LXX. and Vulgate read, the Psalmist was awake.

Proverbs 2:11

4:6; 6:22-24; Ps 25:21; 119:9-11; Ec 9:15-18; 10:10; Eph 5:15

Proverbs 3:23-24

2:8; 4:12; 10:9; Ps 37:23,24,31; 91:11; 121:3,8; Zec 10:12


6:22; Le 26:6; Ps 3:5; 4:8; 121:4-7; Eze 34:15


Ps 127:2; Jer 31:26; Ac 12:6; 1Th 4:13,14

Daniel 11:18-21

he turn.He subdued most of the maritime places and isles of the Mediterranean; but, being driven from Europe by the Roman consuls, he took refuge in Antioch; and, in order to raise the tribute they impressed upon him, he attempted to rob the temple of Elymaïs, and was there slain.

the isles.

Ge 10:4,5; Jer 2:10; 31:10; Eze 27:6; Zep 2:11

for his own behalf. Heb. for him. the reproach. Heb. hisreproach. he shall cause.

Jud 1:7; Ho 12:14; Mt 7:2

but.From the preceding verses in this chapter let us learn, 1. That God, in his providence, sets up one and pulls down another, as he pleases. 2. That this world is full of wars and fightings, which result from the indulgence of the lusts of men. 3. That all the changes and revolutions of states were plainly and perfectly foreseen by the God of heaven. 4. That no word of God can fall to the ground, but what he has declared shall infallibly come to pass. For the elucidation of the historical parts of Scripture, it is advantageous to notice the writings of heathen authors: light is thus thrown on many passages of Holy Writ, by shewing the accomplishment of the prophecies therein contained, or customs elucidated, which, in the course of years, or in our more northern latitude, would be to us inexplicable. We have therefore reason to bless God for human learning, by which many have done great service to the readers of His blessed word.

Job 20:8; Ps 27:2; 37:36; Jer 46:6; Eze 26:21

estate. or, place.

7,21; *marg:

a raiser of taxes in the. Heb. one that causeth an exactor topass over the, etc. Seleucus Philopater, who levied on his subjects the tribute imposed on his father, and was poisoned by his treasurer Heliodorus.

De 15:2,3; 2Ki 23:35

anger. Heb. angers.

Pr 30:33

estate. or, place.


shall stand.

7:8; 8:9,23,25

a vile person.Antiochus Epiphanes, called also {Epimanes,} or madman, for his despicable conduct.

1Sa 3:13; Ps 12:8; 15:4; Isa 32:5; Na 1:14

by flatteries.

32,34; Jud 9:1-20; 2Sa 15:2-6; Ps 55:21
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