Psalms 40:10

not hid.

Eze 2:7; 3:17,18; Ac 20:20,21,26,27; Ro 10:9,10; 1Th 1:8; Re 22:17


Ro 1:16,17; 3:22-26; 10:3; Php 3:9


Ac 13:32,33; Ro 15:8,9


Isa 49:6; Lu 2:30-32; 3:6; 1Ti 1:15


25:10; 34:6; Mic 7:20; Joh 1:17; 3:16,17

Psalms 71:15

My mouth.

8,24; 22:22-25; 30:12; 40:9,10; 145:2,5-14

all the day.

35:28; 89:16

I know.

40:5,12; 139:17,18

Isaiah 40:9

O Zion, that bringest good tidings. or, O thou that tellestgood tidings to Zion.

41:27; 52:7; Ezr 1:1,2; Lu 24:47; Ro 10:18


Jud 9:7; 1Sa 26:13,14; 2Ch 13:4

O Jerusalem, that bringest good tidings. or, O thou thattellest good tidings to Jerusalem. lift up.

52:8; 58:4; Jer 22:20; Ac 2:14

be not.

35:3,4; 51:7,12; Ac 4:13,29; 5:41,42; Eph 6:19; Php 1:28,29

1Pe 3:14


12:2; 25:9; 1Ti 3:16; 1Jo 5:20,21

Isaiah 52:7-8

How beautiful.This is a highly poetical expression, for, How welcome is his arrival! how agreeable are the tidings which he brings!

40:9; 61:1-3; Na 1:15; Lu 2:10; Ro 10:12-15


Ps 68:11; So 2:8; Mr 13:10; 16:15; Lu 24:47; Ac 10:36-38; Re 14:6

Thy God.

24:23; 33:22; Ps 59:13; 93:1; 96:10; 97:1; 99:1; Mic 4:7; Zec 9:9

Mt 25:34; 28:18; Re 11:15


56:10; 62:6; So 3:3; 5:7; Jer 6:17; 31:6,7; Eze 3:17; 33:7; Heb 13:17


24:14; 40:9; 58:1


12:4-6; 26:1; 27:2; 35:10; 48:20; Jer 33:11; Ac 2:46,47; Re 5:8-10

Re 18:20; 19:4


30:26; Jer 32:39; Zep 3:9; Zec 12:8; Ac 2:1; 4:32; 1Co 1:10; 13:12

Eph 1:17,18

Mark 16:15


Mt 10:5,6; 28:19; Lu 14:21-23; 24:47,48; Joh 15:16; 20:21

1Jo 4:14


13:10; Ps 22:27; 67:1,2; 96:3; 98:3; Isa 42:10-12; 45:22; 49:6; 52:10

Isa 60:1-3; Lu 2:10,11,31,32; Ac 1:8; Ro 10:18; 16:26; Eph 2:17

Col 1:6,23; Re 14:6

Acts 13:26


15,17,46; 3:26; 2Ch 20:7; Ps 105:6; 147:19,20; Isa 41:8; 48:1; 51:1,2

Mt 3:9; 10:6; Lu 24:47

and whosoever.

16,43; 10:35

to you.

16:17; 28:28; Isa 46:13; Lu 1:69,77; Ro 1:16; 2Co 5:19-21; Eph 1:13

Col 1:5

Romans 10:14-18

shall they.

1Ki 8:41-43; Jon 1:5,9-11,16; 3:5-9; Heb 11:6; Jas 5:15

and how shall.

1:5; 16:25,26; Mr 16:15,16; Lu 24:46,47; Joh 20:31; Ac 19:2

Ac 26:17,18; 2Ti 4:17; Tit 1:3

And how.

Jer 23:32; Mt 9:38; 10:1-6; 28:18-20; Lu 10:1; Joh 20:21; Ac 9:15

Ac 13:2-4; 22:21; 1Co 12:28,29; 2Co 5:18-20; Eph 3:8; 4:11,12

1Pe 1:12

How beautiful.

Isa 52:7; Na 1:15

the gospel.

Isa 57:19; Lu 2:14; Ac 10:36; Eph 2:17; 6:15

and bring.

Isa 40:9; 61:1; Lu 2:10; 8:1; Ac 13:26

But they.

3:3; 11:17; Joh 10:26; Ac 28:24; Heb 4:2; 1Pe 2:8


1:5; 2:8; 6:17; 16:26; Isa 50:10; Ga 3:1; 5:7; 2Th 1:8; Heb 5:9; 11:8

1Pe 1:22; 3:1


Isa 53:1; Joh 12:38-40

our report. Gr. the hearing of us, or, our preaching.


14; 1:16; Lu 16:29-31; 1Co 1:18-24; Col 1:4-6; 1Th 2:13; 2Th 2:13,14

Jas 1:18-21; 1Pe 1:23-25; 2:1,2

and hearing.

Jer 23:28,29; Mr 4:24; Lu 8:11,21; 11:28; 2Co 2:17; Heb 4:12,13

Re 1:9

Have they.

Ac 2:5-11; 26:20; 28:23

their sound.Similar to this elegant accommodation of these words, is the application of them in a passage of Zohar, Genes. f. 9. "These words are the servants of the Messiah, and measure out both the things above, and the things beneath."

1:8; 15:19; Ps 19:4; Mt 24:14; 26:13; 28:19; Mr 16:15,20; Col 1:6,23

unto the ends.

1Ki 18:10; Ps 22:27; 98:3; Isa 24:16; 49:6; 52:10; Jer 16:19; Mt 4:8
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