Psalms 52:5


7:14-16; 55:23; 64:7-10; 120:2-4; 140:9-11; Pr 12:19; 19:5,9

Re 21:8

destroy thee. Heb. beat thee down. pluck.

37:35,36; Job 18:14; 20:6,7; Lu 16:27,28


Pr 2:22

the land.

27:13; 116:9; Isa 38:11

Isaiah 5:2-5

fenced it. or, made a wall about it.

Ex 33:16; Nu 23:9; De 32:8,9; Ps 44:1-3; Ro 9:4


Jer 2:21

the choicest vine.{Sorek,} in Arabic, {sharik,} certainly denotes an excellent vine; but some with Bp. Lowth, retain it as a proper name. Sorek was a valley lying between Askelon and Gaza, so called from the excellence of its vines.

Jud 16:4

and built.

1:8; Mic 4:8

made. Heb. hewed. a winepress.

63:2,3; Ne 13:15; Re 14:18-20

he looked.

7; 1:2-4,21-23; De 32:6; Mt 21:34; Mr 11:13; 12:2; Lu 13:7; 20:10-18

1Co 9:7

wild grapes.

De 32:32,33; Ho 10:1


Ps 50:4-6; 51:4; Jer 2:4,5; Mic 6:2,3; Mt 21:40,41; Mr 12:9-12

Lu 20:15,16; Ro 2:5; 3:4

1:5; 2Ch 36:14-16; Jer 2:30,31; 6:29,30; Eze 24:13; Mt 23:37

Ac 7:51-60

go to.

Ge 11:4,7

I will take.

27:10,11; Le 26:31-35; De 28:49-52; 2Ch 36:4-10; Ne 2:3

Ps 74:1-10; 80:12-16; La 1:2-9; 4:12

trodden down. Heb. for a treading.

10:6; 25:10; 28:3,18; La 1:15; Da 8:13; Lu 21:24; Re 11:2

Jeremiah 1:10

I have.

25:15-27; 27:2-7; 46:1-51:64; 1Ki 17:1; Re 11:3-6

to root out.

18:7-9; 1Ki 19:17; Eze 32:18; 43:3; Am 3:7; Zec 1:6; 2Co 10:4,5

Re 19:19-21

to build.

18:9; 24:6; 31:4,5,28; Isa 44:26-28; Eze 36:36; Am 9:11

Jeremiah 18:7-10

to pluck.

1:10; 12:14-17; 25:9-14; 45:4; Am 9:8; Jon 3:4

that nation.

7:3-7; 36:3; Jud 10:15,16; 1Ki 8:33,34; 2Ch 12:6; Isa 1:16-19

Eze 18:21; 33:11,13; Jon 2:5-10; Lu 13:3-5

I will.

15:6; 26:3,13; 42:10; Ex 32:12; De 32:36; Jud 2:18; Ps 90:13

Ps 106:45; 135:14; Ho 11:8; Joe 2:13,14; Am 7:3-6; Jon 3:9,10; 4:2

to build.

1:10; 11:17; 30:18; 31:4,28,38; 32:41; Ec 3:2; Am 9:11-15


7:23-28; Ps 125:5; Eze 18:24; 33:18; 45:20; Zep 1:6


Nu 14:22,34; 1Sa 2:30; 13:13; 15:11,35

Jeremiah 45:4

that which.

1:10; 18:7-10; 31:28; Ge 6:6,7; Ps 80:8-16; Isa 5:2-7

Matthew 13:28-29


Lu 9:49-54; 1Co 5:3-7; 2Co 2:6-11; 1Th 5:14; Jude 1:22,23


Matthew 13:41

The son.

24:31; Mr 13:27; Heb 1:6,7,14; Re 5:11,12

and they.

49; 18:7; Ro 16:17,18; 2Pe 2:1,2

things that offend. or, scandals. and them.

7:22,23; Lu 13:26,27; Ro 2:8,9,16; Re 21:27

Matthew 15:13


13:40,41; Ps 92:13; Isa 60:21; Joh 15:2,6; 1Co 3:12-15
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