Psalms 97:9


83:18; Eph 1:21; Php 2:9-11


95:3; 96:4; 115:3-8; 135:5; Ex 18:11; Jer 10:8,10

Psalms 99:2


48:1-3; 50:2; 76:1,2; Isa 12:6; 14:32; Heb 12:22-24; Re 14:1-5


66:7; 97:9; Da 4:34,35; Jas 4:6,7

Isaiah 40:15

the nations.

22; Job 34:14,15; Jer 10:10

the isles.

11:11; 41:5; 59:18; 66:19; Ge 10:5; Da 11:18; Zep 2:11

Isaiah 40:17

as nothing.

Job 25:6; Ps 62:9; Da 4:34,35; 2Co 12:11

Isaiah 40:22

It is he that sitteth. or, Him that sitteth, etc.

19:1; 66:1; Ps 2:4; 29:10; 68:33

the inhabitants.

15,17; Nu 13:33


42:5; 44:24; 51:13; Job 9:8; 37:18; 38:4-9; Ps 102:25,26; 104:2

Jer 10:12; Zec 12:1; Heb 1:10-12

as a curtain.Or, "as a thin veil," as Bp. Lowth renders; which he illustrates by the following passage from Dr. Shaw. "It is usual in the summer season, and upon all occasions when a large company is to be received, to have the court sheltered from heat, or inclemency of the weather by a {velum,} umbrella, or veil, as I shall call it; which, being expanded on ropes from one end of the parapet to the other, may be folded or unfolded at pleasure. The Psalmist seems to allude to some covering of this kind, in that beautiful expression of spreading out the heavens as a curtain."
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