1 Chronicles 21:12

three year's famine.In 2 Sa 24:13, it is seven years; but the Septuagint has there [tria ete,] three years, as here; which is, no doubt, the true reading; the letter [Zayin,] {zayin,} seven, being mistaken for [Giymel,] {gimmel,} three.

Le 26:26-29; 2Sa 21:1; 24:13; 1Ki 17:1; 2Ki 8:1; La 4:9; Lu 4:25

to be destroyed.

Le 26:17,36,37; De 28:15,25,51,52; Jer 42:16

the sword.

16; Isa 66:16; Jer 12:12; 47:6

even the pestilence.

Le 26:10,25; De 28:22,27,35; Ps 91:6; Eze 14:19-21

the angel.

15,16; Ex 12:23; 2Ki 19:35; Mt 13:49,50; Ac 12:23; Re 7:1-3

Now therefore.

2Sa 24:13,14

2 Chronicles 6:28-31

if there be dearth."Persia," says Chardin, "is subject to have its harvest spoiled by hail, by drought, or by insects; either locusts, or small insects, which they call {sim,} which are small white lice;" probably the caterpillars of the text.

20:5-13; Le 26:16,25,26; De 28:21-61; Ru 1:1; 1Ki 8:37-40

2Ki 6:25-29; 8:1


Ex 10:12-15; Joe 1:4-7,11; 2:25; Re 9:3-11

their enemies.

12:2-5; 20:9-13; 32:1; Le 26:25; De 28:52-57

cities of their land. Heb. land of their gates. whatsoever.

32:24; 1Ki 8:37,38; Jas 5:13

what prayer.

Ps 33:12,13; 50:15; 91:15


Ps 32:2-6; 142:1,2; Pr 14:10

spread forth.

12,13; Isa 1:15

in. or, toward.


Ps 18:20-26; 62:12; Jer 17:10; Eze 18:30; Mt 16:27

thou only.

1Ki 8:39; 1Ch 28:9; 29:17; Ps 11:4,5; Joh 2:25; Heb 4:13; Re 2:23

fear thee.

Ex 20:20; 1Sa 12:24; Job 28:28; Ps 128:1; 130:4; Ac 9:31

so long, etc. Heb. all the days which they live upon theface of the land.

2 Chronicles 20:9

If, when evil.

6:28-30; 1Ki 8:33,37

and in thy presence.

Mt 18:20

thy name.

6:20; Ex 20:24; 23:21

is in this house.Several MSS. with the Syriac, Arabic, and Vulgate, read {nikra}, "is invoked:" "thy name is invoked in this house."

Psalms 105:34-35

the locusts.

78:46; Ex 10:12-15; Joe 1:4-7; 2:25; Re 9:3-10


Jeremiah 32:2

then.The siege had commenced on the tenth month of the preceding year, and continued a year after, ending in the fifth month of the following year; consequently the siege must have lasted eighteen months and twenty-seven days. See 2 Ki 25:18.


3,8; 33:1; 36:5; 37:21; 38:6; 39:13-15; Mt 5:12

in the.

Ne 3:25

Jeremiah 39:1-3

1 Jerusalem is taken.

4 Zedekiah is made blind and sent to Babylon.

8 The city laid in ruins,

9 and the people captivated.

11 Nebuchadrezzar's charge for the good usage of Jeremiah.

15 God's promise to Ebed-melech.

A.M. 3414. B.C. 590. the ninth.

52:4-7; 2Ki 25:1,2-7; Eze 24:1,2; Zec 8:19

the tenth.This was the month Tebeth, (Es 2:16,) which began with the first moon of January; and it was on the 10th of this month that Nebuchadnezzar invested the city.

A.M. 3416. B.C. 588. the fourth.This was the month Tammuz, which commences with the first moon of July: the siege had lasted just eighteen months.

2Ki 25:3


5:10; 52:6,7; 2Ki 25:4; Eze 33:21; Mic 2:12,13; Zep 1:10

all the.

1:15; 21:4; 38:17


13; 2Ki 17:30

Sarsechim.These were the principal commanders; but Dr. Blayney thinks that, instead of six persons, we have in reality but three, as the name that follows each is the title of the office. Thus Nergal-Sharezer, who was Samgar-nebo, or keeper, i.e., priest of Nebo; Sarsechim, who was Rab-saris, or chief eunuch; and Nergal-sharezer, who was Rab-mag, or chief magi; as the words {mog} in Persian, {magoos} in Arabic, {magooshai} in Syriac, and [magos ,] in Greek, signify; and we learn from Justin and Curtius that the magi attended the king in war.
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