1 Chronicles 25:8

cast lots.

24:5; Le 16:8; 1Sa 14:41,42; Pr 16:33; Ac 1:26

ward against ward.

24:31; 26:13,16; Ne 12:24

the teacher.Even among the twenty-four leaders, some were more expert than others; some were teachers, and others were scholars; but every one was taken by the solemn casting of lots, without any regard to these distinctions. Thus all things were disposed for the preserving of order, and avoiding all disputes about precedence: there being no respect had, in this divine distribution, to birth, but the younger in course preceded the elder.

15:22; 2Ch 23:13

Ezra 10:18-19

the sons.

9:1; Le 21:7,13-15; 1Sa 2:22-24; Ne 13:28; Jer 23:11,14; Eze 44:22

Mal 2:8,9; 1Ti 3:11


2:2; 3:2; 5:2; 1Ch 6:14,15; Ne 12:10; Hag 1:1; Zec 3:1

Joshua. Maaseiah.

Ne 8:4,7

gave their hands.They bound themselves in the most solemn manner to do as the rest of the delinquents had done, and make and acknowledgment to God of their iniquity, by offering each a ram for a trespass offering.

2Ki 10:15; 1Ch 29:24; 2Ch 30:8; *marg:

La 5:6; Ga 2:9

a ram.

Le 5:15,16; 6:4,6

Nehemiah 13:28-29

And one.Josephus relates, that this young man was named Manasseh; and that at his request, Sanballat and the Samaritans built their temple upon mount Gerizim, in opposition to that at Jerusalem, at which he officiated, in some measure, according to the Mosaic ritual.





son in law.

4,5; 6:17-19



I chased.

25; Ps 101:8; Pr 20:8,26; Ro 13:3,4


6:14; Ps 59:5-13; 2Ti 4:14

because they have defiled. Heb. for the defilings of.

Le 21:1-7

the covenant.

Nu 16:9,10; 25:12,13; 1Sa 2:30; Mal 2:4-8,10-12

Isaiah 9:14-16

will cut.

3:2,3; 19:15; 2Ki 17:6-20; Ho 1:4,6,9; 4:5; 5:12-14; 8:8; 9:11-17

Ho 13:3; Am 2:14-16; 3:12; 5:2,3; 6:11; 7:8,9,17; 9:1-9; Mic 1:6-8

in one day.

10:17; 30:13; Ho 10:15; Re 18:8,10,17


3:5; 5:13; 1Sa 9:6

the prophet.

28:17; 29:10; 1Ki 13:18; 22:22-24; Jer 5:31; 14:14,15

Jer 23:9,14,15,25-27; 27:9,10,14,15; 28:15,16; 29:21,22

Eze 13:1-16,19,22; Ho 9:8; Mal 2:9; Mt 7:15; 24:24; 2Co 11:13-15

Ga 1:8,9; 2Th 2:9-12; 2Ti 4:2,3; 2Pe 2:1-3; 1Jo 4:1; Re 19:20

the leaders, etc. or, they that call them blessed.

3:12; Mt 15:14; 23:16-36

led of them. or, called blessed of them.

Nu 6:23-26; 1Ki 8:55,56; 2Ch 30:27; Heb 7:7

destroyed. Heb. swallowed up.

Isaiah 24:1-2

1 The doleful judgments of God upon the land.

13 A remnant shall joyfully praise him.

16 God in his judgments shall advance his kingdom.

A.M. 3292. B.C.712. maketh the.

1:7-9; 5:6; 6:11,12; 7:17-25; 27:10; 32:13,14; 42:15; Jer 4:7

Eze 5:14; 6:6; 12:20; 24:11; 35:14; Na 2:10; Lu 21:24

turneth it upside down. Heb. perverteth the face thereof.

29:16; 2Ki 21:13; Ps 146:9; Ac 17:6


De 4:27; 28:64; 32:26; Ne 1:8; Jer 9:16; 40:15; 50:17; Eze 5:2

Zec 13:7-9; Jas 1:1

as with the people.

2:9; 3:2-8; 5:15; 9:14-17; 2Ch 36:14-17,20; Jer 5:3-6; 23:11-13

Jer 41:2; 42:18; 44:11-13; 52:24-30; La 4:13; 5:12-14; Eze 7:12,13

Eze 14:8-10; Da 9:5-8; Ho 4:9; Eph 6:8,9

priest. or, prince.

Ge 41:50; *marg:

Ezekiel 14:10

they shall.

17:18-20; 23:49; Ge 4:13; Nu 5:31; Mic 7:9; Ga 6:5

the punishment.

4,7,8; De 13:1-10; 17:2-7; Jer 6:14,15; 8:11,12; 14:15; Re 19:19-21
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