1 Chronicles 27:25-31

the king's.

2Ki 18:15; 2Ch 16:2

the storehouses.

Ge 41:48; Ex 1:11; 2Ch 26:10; Jer 41:8


the increase of the vineyards. Heb. that which was of thevineyards.

And over.

1Ki 4:7

the sycamore trees.The Hebrew {shikmin,} Syriac {shekmo,} and Arabic {jummeez,} is the [sykomoros,] or sycomore, of the Greeks, so called from [sykos,] a fig-tree, and [moros] a mulberry- tree, because it resembles the latter in its leaves, and the former in its fruits. "The sycamore," says Mr. Norden, "is of the height of a beech, and bears its fruit in a manner quite different from other trees: it has them on the trunk itself, which shoots out little sprigs, in form of grape stalks, at the end of which grow the fruit close to one another, almost like a cluster of grapes. The tree is always green, and bears fruit several times in the year, without observing any certain seasons; for I have seen some sycamores that have given fruit two months after others. The fruit has the figure and smell of real figs, but is inferior to them in the taste, having a disgusting sweetness. Its colour is a yellow, inclining to an ochre, shadowed by a flesh colour. In the inside it resembles the common figs, excepting that it has a blackish colouring with yellow spots. This sort of tree is pretty common in Egypt; the people, for the greater part, live on its fruit, and think themselves well regaled when they have a piece of bread, a couple of sycamore figs, and a pitcher of water."

1Ki 20:27


5:16; Isa 65:10

the camels.

Job 1:3

the Ishmaelite.

Ge 47:6


2 Chronicles 26:10-15

digged many wells. or, cut out many cisterns.

Ge 26:18-21

he had much.

2Ki 3:4; 1Ch 27:26-31

Carmel. or, fruitful fields.

2Ki 19:23; Isa 29:17

husbandry. Heb.ground.

went out.

2Ki 5:2


an army. Heb. the power of an army. three hundred.

11:1; 13:3; 14:8; 17:14-19

slings to cast stone. Heb. stones of slings.

Jud 20:16; 1Sa 17:49

cunning men.

2:7,14; Ex 31:4

to shoot arrows.These engines, it is probable, bore some resemblance to the {balistæ} and {catapultæ} of the Romans, which were employed for throwing stones and arrows, and were in reality the mortars and carcasses of antiquity. With respect to the towers which Uzziah built in the wilderness, (ver. 10,) Mr. Harmer appears to have given a truer view of the subject than commentators in general have done, who suppose that they were conveniences made only for sheltering the shepherds from bad weather, or to defend them from incursions of enemies; for they might rather be designed to keep the nations that pastured there in awe, and also to induce them quietly to pay the tribute to which the 8th verse seems to refer. William of Tyre describes a country not far from the Euphrates as inhabited by Syrian and Armenian Christians, who fed great flocks and herds there, but were kept in subjection to the Turks, in consequence of their living among them in strong places.

spread far. Heb. went forth.

Mt 4:24
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