1 Chronicles 5:23-26


Jos 13:29-31


De 3:8,9; Jos 13:11; Ps 133:3; So 4:8

famous men. Heb. men of names



Jud 2:17; 8:33; 2Ki 17:7-18; Ho 1:2; 9:1; Re 17:5

after the gods.

Jud 2:12; 2Ch 25:14,15; Ps 106:34-39

stirred up.

2Sa 24:1; 2Ch 33:11; Ezr 1:5; Isa 10:5,6; 13:2-5


2Ki 15:19

Tiglath pilneser.

6; 2Ki 15:29; 16:7

Tiglath-pileser. and brought them.

2Ki 17:6; 18:11; 19:12; Isa 37:12

1 Chronicles 7:14-29

The sons.The text in these two verses seems to be strangely corrupted; and, as it stands, is scarcely intelligible. Probably it should be rendered, "The sons of Manasseh were Ashriel, whom his Syrian concubine bore to him; and Machir the father of Gilead, whom (his wife) bore to him. Machir took for a wife Maachah, sister to Huppim and Shuppim." This is nearly the version of Dr. Geddes.


2:21-23; Ge 50:23; Nu 26:29-34; 27:1; 32:30-42; De 3:13-15

Jos 13:31; 17:1-3; Jud 5:14



and the name.It is certain that Zelophehad was not a son, but a descendant of Manasseh's, three generations having intervened; for he was the son of Hepher, the son of Gilead, the son of Machir, the son of Manasseh.

and Zelophehad.

Nu 26:33; 27:1-11; 36:1-12



1Sa 12:11

Nu 26:30


Jud 6:11,24,34; 8:2


Nu 26:35,36

because they came.Or rather, "when [kîy ] {(kee)} they came down to take away their cattle;" for it does not appear that the sons of Ephraim were the aggressors, but the men of Gath, who appear to have been born in Egypt. This is the only place in the Sacred Writings where this piece of history is mentioned, and the transaction seems to have happened before the Israelites came out of Egypt; for it appears from the following verse, that Ephraim was alive when these children of his were slain.


Ge 37:34

and his brethren.

Job 2:11

Beriah. that is, In evil. because.Many similar instances of the naming of children from passing circumstances, occur throughout the sacred volume. See those of a similar character with this verse: Ge 35:18, where Rachel, while dying, names her new-born son Ben-oni, or, the son of my sorrow. So in 1 SA 4:21, the wife of Phinehas, on being apprised of the death of Eli and her husband, and that the ark was taken by the Philistines, while in the pains of travail, and dying, named her son I-chabod, or, there is no glory. So also in the 4th chapter of this book, ver. 9, we read that Jabez, or, sorrowful, had that name given to him, because his mother "bare him with sorrow."

2Sa 23:5


Jos 16:3,5; 1Ki 9:17; 2Ch 8:5




Nu 13:8,16

Nun, Oshea. Jehoshuah.

Ex 17:9-14; 24:13; 32:17; Nu 11:28; 14:6; 27:18; De 31:23


Ac 7:45; Heb 4:8



Ge 28:19; Jos 16:2; Jud 1:22

Naaran.Naaran, or Naarath, Eusebius says was a town in his time called [Noorath,] Noorath, five miles from Jericho. It appears to be the same as [Neara,] Neara, mentioned by Josephus, from whence, he says, they brought the water which watered the palm-trees of Jericho.

Naarath. Gezer.


towns. Heb. daughters.


Jos 17:7-11


1Sa 31:10

Bethshan. Taanach.

Jud 5:19; 1Ki 4:12


Jud 1:27; 1Ki 9:15; 2Ki 9:27; 23:29; 2Ch 35:22; Zec 12:11; Re 16:16

In these dwelt.

Jos 16:1-17:18; Jud 1:22-29
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