1 Kings 18:27


22:15; 2Ch 25:8; Ec 11:9; Isa 8:9,10; 44:15-17; Eze 20:39

Am 4:4,5; Mt 26:45; Mr 7:9; 14:41

aloud. Heb. with a great voice. for he is a god.

Isa 41:23

either.Such were the absurd and degrading notions which the heathens entertained of their gods. "Vishnoo sleeps four months in the year; and to each of the gods some particular business is assigned. Vayoo manages the winds; Vuroonu the waters, etc. According to a number of fables in the pooranus, the gods are often out on journeys or expeditions." Ward's Views of the Hindoos, vol. ii. p. 324.

he is talking. or, he meditateth. is pursuing. Heb. hatha pursuit. must be awaked.

Ps 44:23; 78:65,66; 121:4; Isa 51:9; Mr 4:38,39

1 Kings 22:15

shall we go.


Go and prosper.This was strong irony; they were the precise words of the false prophets; but were spoken by Micaiah in such a tone and manner as at once shewed Ahab that he did not believe, but ridiculed these words of uncertainty. The reply of the Delphian oracle to Crosesus was as ambiguous as that returned to Pyrrhus, {Croesus Halym penetrans magnam pervertet opum vim,} "If Croesus crosses the Halys, he will overthrow a great empire." This he understood of the empire of Cyrus; the event proved it to be his own: he was deluded, yet the oracle maintained its credit.

18:27; Jud 10:14; 2Ki 3:13; 2Ch 18:14; Ec 11:9; Mt 26:45

Ecclesiastes 11:1

1 Directions for charity.

7 Death in life,

9 and the day ofjudgment in the days of youth, are to be thought on.

Cast.That is, says Bp. Lowth, "Sow thy seed or corn on the face of the waters;" in plain terms, sow without any hope of a harvest: do good even to them on whom your benefactions seem thrown away. Dr. Jebb has well illustrated it by the following passages: "Vain are the favours done to vicious men; Not vainer 'tis to sow the foaming deep. The deep no pleasant harvest shall afford, Nor will the wicked ever make return." "To befriend the wicked is like sowing in the sea." These, indeed, invert this precept; nor is it extraordinary that they should; "The one, frail human power alone produced, The other, God."

thy bread.

De 15:7-11; Pr 11:24,25; 22:9; Isa 32:8

waters. Heb. face of the waters.

Isa 32:20


6; De 15:10; Ps 41:1,2; 126:5,6; Pr 11:18; 19:17; Mt 10:13,42; 25:40

Lu 14:14; 2Co 9:6; Ga 6:8-10; Heb 6:10

Lamentations 4:21

be glad.

Ps 83:3-12; 137:7; Ec 11:9; Eze 25:6,8; 26:2; 35:11-15; Ob 1:10-16

the land.

Ge 36:28; Job 1:1

the cup.

Isa 34:1-17; 63:1-6; Jer 25:15-29; 49:12; Eze 25:12-14; 35:3-9

Am 1:11; Ob 1:1,10-14; Mal 1:2-4

and shalt.

2Ch 28:19; Mic 1:11; Re 16:15

Amos 4:4-5

Come.A bitter irony and sarcasm, addressed to the idolatrous Israelites.

3:14; Ec 11:9; Eze 20:39; Joe 3:9-12; Mt 23:32; 26:45; Mr 14:41

at Gilgal

5:5; Ho 4:15; 9:15; 12:11

and bring.

Nu 28:3,4

and your.

De 14:28,29; 26:12

three years. Heb. three years of days.

offer a sacrifice. Heb. offer by burning.

Le 7:12,13; 23:17


Le 22:18-21; De 12:6,7; Mt 6:2


Ps 81:12; Mt 15:9,13,14; 23:23; Ro 1:28; 2Th 2:10-12

this liketh you. Heb. so ye love.

Ho 9:1,10

Matthew 26:45

Sleep on.That is, as it is well paraphrased by Euthymius, "Since you have thus far failed to watch, sleep on the rest of the time, and take your rest, if you can."

1Ki 18:27; Ec 11:9

the hour.

2,14,15; Mr 14:41,42; Lu 22:53; Joh 13:1; 17:1
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