1 Kings 18:4

Jezebel. Heb. Izabel. cut off the prophets.

Ne 9:26; Mt 21:35; Re 17:4-6

in a cave.

Heb 11:38

fed them.

13; 2Ki 6:22,23; Mt 10:40-42; 25:35,40

bread and water.


1 Kings 18:19

mount Carmel.Mount Carmel is situated north of Dora and south of Ptolemais or Acre, from which it is distant, according to Josephus, 120 stadia, or, according to Thevenot, 10 miles; one of its principal points advancing considerably into the Mediterranean, and forming an elevated promontory. It is described as a flattened cone, about 2,000 feet (some say 1,500) in height, very rocky, its sides steep and rugged, and the soil neither deep nor rich. Capt. Mangles says its is now quite barren, though at the north-eastern foot of it there are some pretty olive-grounds.

42,43; Jos 19:26; 1Sa 15:12; 2Ki 2:25; Jer 46:18; Am 1:2; 9:3

the prophets of Baal.

22:6; 2Pe 2:1; Re 19:20

prophets of the groves.

15:13; 16:33; 2Ki 13:6Though {ashairah} certainly denotes in some place a grove, yet it is equally certain, that in others, as here, it must signify an idol; and it is thought by learned men to be the same as Ashtoreth, or Astarte the Syrian Venus.

eat at Jezebel's table.

19:1,2; 2Ki 9:22; Re 2:20

1 Kings 19:1-2

1 Elijah, threatened by Jezebel, flees to Beer-sheba.

4 In the wilderness, being weary of his life, he is comforted by an angel.

9 At Horeb God appears unto him, sending him to anoint Hazael, Jehu, and Elisha.

19 Elisha, taking leave of his friends, follows Elijah.


16:31; 21:5-7,25

how he had slain.


So let.

2:28; 20:10; Ru 1:17; 2Ki 6:31

if I.

Ex 10:28; 15:9; 2Ki 19:10-12,22,27,28; Da 3:15


Pr 27:1; Ac 12:4-6; Jas 4:13,14

1 Kings 21:5-14


25; 16:31; 18:4; 19:2; Ge 3:6

Why is thy spirit.

2Sa 13:4; Ne 2:2; Es 4:5


2; Es 5:9-14; 6:12; Pr 14:30; 1Ti 6:9,10; Jas 4:2-7

I will not give.


Dost thou now.

1Sa 8:4; 2Sa 13:4; Pr 30:31; Ec 4:1; 8:4; Da 5:19-21

I will give thee.

15,16; Mic 2:1,2; 7:3

she wrote.

2Sa 11:14,15; 2Ch 32:17; Ezr 4:7,8,11; Ne 6:5; Es 3:12-15; 8:8-13

the elders.

Nu 11:16; De 16:18,19; 21:1-9

the nobles.

1; 2Ki 10:1-7,11

Proclaim a fast.

Ge 34:13-17; Isa 58:4; Mt 2:8; 23:14; Lu 20:47; Joh 18:28

on high among. Heb. in the top of.

two men.

De 19:15; Mt 26:59,60; Ac 6:11

sons of Belial.

De 13:13; Jud 19:22

Thou didst blaspheme.Some, with Parkhurst, would render the original, {bairachta elohim wamailech,} "Thou hast blessed the gods and Molech;" a sense, however, which seems extremely forced, and is not acknowledged by any of the ancient versions, though the LXX. and Vulgate render {bairachta} by [eulogese,] {benedixit,} "blessed." It is no unusual thing for a word to have opposite senses.

Ex 22:28; Le 24:15; Mt 26:59-66; Joh 10:33; Ac 6:13

did as Jezebel.

Ex 1:17,21; 23:1,2; Le 19:15; 1Sa 22:17; 23:20; 2Ki 10:6,7

2Ch 24:21; Pr 29:12,26; Da 3:18-25; Ho 5:11; Mic 6:16; Mt 2:12,16

Ac 4:19; 5:29

8-10; Isa 58:4

the men of Belial.

Ex 20:16; De 5:20; 19:16-21; Ps 27:12; 35:11; Pr 6:19; 19:5,9; 25:18

Mal 3:5; Mr 14:56-59

blaspheme God.

Job 1:5,11; 2:9; Mt 9:3; Ac 6:11

the king.

Ec 10:20; Isa 8:21; Am 7:10; Lu 23:2; Joh 19:12; Ac 24:5

they carried him.

Le 24:11-16; Nu 15:35,36; De 13:10; 21:21; 22:21,24; Jos 7:24,25

2Ki 9:26; Ec 4:1; Ac 7:57-59

Naboth is stoned.

2Sa 11:14-24; Ec 5:8; 8:14

1 Kings 21:25

But there.

20; 16:30-33; 2Ki 23:25

sell himself.

20; 2Ki 17:17; Isa 50:1; 52:3; Ro 6:19; 7:14

whom Jezebel.

7; 11:1-4; 16:31; 18:4; 19:2; Pr 22:14; Ec 7:26; Mr 6:17-27

Ac 6:12; 14:2

stirred up. or, incited.

2 Kings 9:30-37


1Ki 19:1,2

painted her face. Heb. put her eyes in painting.

Jer 4:30; Eze 23:40


Isa 3:18-24; Eze 24:17; 1Ti 2:9,10; 1Pe 3:3


1Ki 16:9-20



Who is on my side?

Ex 32:26; 1Ch 12:18; 2Ch 11:12; Ps 118:6; 124:1,2

eunuchs. or, chamberlains.

Es 1:10; 2:15,21; Ac 12:20

Throw her down.

1Ki 21:11

and on the horses.This terrible mode of punishment appears to have been but rarely used, though we occasionally meet with it during this and subsequent periods. The same punishment, it is well known, obtained among the Romans, who used to throw certain malefactors from the Tarpeian rock. This practice obtains among the Moors at Constantia, a town of Barbary; and is also of frequent occurrence in Persia.

and he trode.

26; 7:20; Isa 25:10; La 1:15; Mic 7:10; Mal 4:3; Mt 5:13; Heb 10:29

he did eat.

1Ki 18:41; Es 3:15; Am 6:4

this cursed woman.

1Ki 21:25; Pr 10:7; Isa 65:15; Mt 25:41

she is a king's.

1Ki 16:31

but they found.

Job 31:3; Ec 6:3; Isa 14:18-20; Jer 22:19; 36:30; Ac 12:23

This is.

1Ki 21:23

by his. Heb. by the hand of his.

14:25; Le 8:36; 2Sa 12:25

the carcase.

Ps 83:10; Ec 6:3; Isa 14:18-20; Jer 8:2; 16:4; 22:19; 36:20

Eze 32:23-30

Revelation of John 2:20

I have.


that woman.

1Ki 16:31; 17:4,13; 19:1,2; 21:7-15,23-25; 2Ki 9:7,30-37

and to seduce.

14; Ex 34:15; Nu 25:1,2; Ac 15:20,29; 1Co 8:10-12; 10:18-21,28
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