1 Kings 19:2

So let.

2:28; 20:10; Ru 1:17; 2Ki 6:31

if I.

Ex 10:28; 15:9; 2Ki 19:10-12,22,27,28; Da 3:15


Pr 27:1; Ac 12:4-6; Jas 4:13,14

1 Kings 20:6

and they shall search.

1Sa 13:19-21; 2Sa 24:14; 2Ki 18:31,32

pleasant. Heb. desirable.

Ge 27:15; Ezr 8:27; Isa 44:9; Jer 25:34; La 1:7,10; Ho 13:15

Joe 3:5; *margins

2 Kings 7:1

1 Elisha prophesies incredible plenty in Samaria.

3 Four lepers, venturing on the host of the Syrians, bring tidings of their flight.

12 The king, finding by spies the news to be true, spoils the tents of the Syrians.

17 The lord who would not believe the prophecy of plenty, having the charge of the gate, is trodden to death in the press.

Elisha said. See on ch.

6:33; 20:16; 1Ki 22:19; Isa 1:10; Eze 37:4


18,19; Ex 8:23; 9:5,6; 14:13; 16:12; Jos 3:5; 1Sa 11:9; Ps 46:5

a measure of fine flour.A {seah} of flour: the {seah} was about two gallons and a half; the shekel 2s. 4d. at the lowest computation: a wide difference between this and the price of the ass's head.

6:25; Re 6:6

of barley.

4:42; Joh 6:9

in the gate of Samaria.From this it appears that the gates were not only used as courts of judicature, but as market-places. So Mr. Morier observes: "In our rides we usually went out of the town at the {Derwazeh Shah Abdul Azeem,} or the gate leading to the village of Shah Abdul Azeem, where a market was held every morning, particularly of horses, mules, asses, and camels. At about sun-rise, the owners of the animals assemble and exhibit them for sale. But besides, here were sellers of all sorts of goods, in temporary shops and tents: and this, perhaps, will explain the custom alluded to in 2 Ki 7:18."

2 Kings 7:18

as the man.

1,2; 6:32; Ge 18:14
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