1 Kings 20:10-11

The gods.

19:2; Ac 23:12

if the dust.

2Sa 17:12,13; 2Ki 19:23,24; Isa 10:13,14; 37:24,25

follow me. Heb. are at my feet.

Ex 11:8; *marg:

Jud 4:10

Let not him, etc.This was no doubt a proverbial mode of expression. Jonathan renders it: "Let not him who girds himself, and goes down to battle, boast as one who has conquered and returned from it."

1Sa 14:6,12,13; 17:44-47; Pr 27:1; Ec 9:11; Isa 10:15,16

Mt 26:33-35,75

harness.The word harness is an obsolete word for armour, derived from the French {harnois;} see Ex 13:18.

Proverbs 18:12


11:2; 16:18; 29:23; Eze 16:49,50; 28:2,9; Da 5:23,24; Ac 12:21-23


15:33; Job 42:6-17; Isa 6:5-13; Da 9:20,23; Lu 14:11; 1Pe 5:5

Ecclesiastes 9:11-12


2:12; 4:1,4; Mal 3:18

that the race.

1Sa 17:50; 2Sa 2:18-23; 17:14,23; Ps 33:16,17; 73:6,7; 147:10,11

Jer 9:23; 46:6; Am 2:14-16


2:14,15; 3:14,17; 7:13; 1Sa 2:3-10; Job 5:11-14; 34:29; Pr 21:30,31

La 3:37,38; Da 4:35; Eph 1:11


8:5-7,11; Lu 19:42-44; 2Co 6:2; 1Pe 2:12

as the fishes.

Pr 7:22,23; Hab 1:14-17; 2Ti 2:26

the sons.

Job 18:8-10; Ps 11:6; 73:18-20; Pr 6:15; 29:6; Isa 30:13

Lu 12:20,39; 17:26-31; 21:34-36; 1Th 5:3; 2Pe 2:12

Jeremiah 9:23


Job 5:12-14; Ps 49:10-13,16-18; Ec 2:13-16,19; 9:11; Isa 5:21

Isa 10:12,13; Eze 28:2-9; Ro 1:22; 1Co 1:19-21,27-29; 3:18-20

Jas 3:14-16


De 8:17; 1Sa 17:4-10,42; 1Ki 20:10,11; Ps 33:16,17; Isa 10:8

Isa 36:8,9; Eze 29:9; Da 3:15; 4:30,31,37; 5:18-23; Am 2:14-16

Ac 12:22,23


Job 31:24,25; Ps 49:6-9; 52:6,7; 62:10; Pr 11:4; Eze 7:19; Zep 1:18

Mr 10:24; Lu 12:19,20; 1Ti 6:10

Ezekiel 28:2

the prince.Josephus states, on the authority of Menander, who translated the Phoenician annals into Greek, and Philostratus, that this prince was Ithobal.


5,17; 31:10; De 8:14; 2Ch 26:16; Pr 16:18; 18:12; Isa 2:12; Da 5:22

Da 5:23; Hab 2:4; 1Ti 3:6; 1Pe 5:5

I am.

6,9; Ge 3:5; Ac 12:22,23; Re 17:3

I sit.

12-14; Isa 14:13,14; Da 4:30,31; 2Th 2:4

in the midst. Heb. in the heart.

27:3,4,26,27; *marg:


9; Ps 9:20; 72:6,7; Isa 31:3

thou set.

6; 2Th 2:4

Ezekiel 28:9-10


2; Da 4:31,32; 5:23-30; Ac 12:22,23

thou shalt.

Ps 82:7; Isa 31:3

slayeth. or, woundeth.

the deaths.

31:18; 32:19,21,24-30; 44:7,9; Le 26:41; 1Sa 17:26,36; Jer 6:10

Jer 9:25,26; Joh 8:24; Ac 7:51; Php 3:3

by the.

7; 11:9; Jer 25:9
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