1 Kings 21:9-21

Proclaim a fast.

Ge 34:13-17; Isa 58:4; Mt 2:8; 23:14; Lu 20:47; Joh 18:28

on high among. Heb. in the top of.

two men.

De 19:15; Mt 26:59,60; Ac 6:11

sons of Belial.

De 13:13; Jud 19:22

Thou didst blaspheme.Some, with Parkhurst, would render the original, {bairachta elohim wamailech,} "Thou hast blessed the gods and Molech;" a sense, however, which seems extremely forced, and is not acknowledged by any of the ancient versions, though the LXX. and Vulgate render {bairachta} by [eulogese,] {benedixit,} "blessed." It is no unusual thing for a word to have opposite senses.

Ex 22:28; Le 24:15; Mt 26:59-66; Joh 10:33; Ac 6:13

did as Jezebel.

Ex 1:17,21; 23:1,2; Le 19:15; 1Sa 22:17; 23:20; 2Ki 10:6,7

2Ch 24:21; Pr 29:12,26; Da 3:18-25; Ho 5:11; Mic 6:16; Mt 2:12,16

Ac 4:19; 5:29

8-10; Isa 58:4

the men of Belial.

Ex 20:16; De 5:20; 19:16-21; Ps 27:12; 35:11; Pr 6:19; 19:5,9; 25:18

Mal 3:5; Mr 14:56-59

blaspheme God.

Job 1:5,11; 2:9; Mt 9:3; Ac 6:11

the king.

Ec 10:20; Isa 8:21; Am 7:10; Lu 23:2; Joh 19:12; Ac 24:5

they carried him.

Le 24:11-16; Nu 15:35,36; De 13:10; 21:21; 22:21,24; Jos 7:24,25

2Ki 9:26; Ec 4:1; Ac 7:57-59

Naboth is stoned.

2Sa 11:14-24; Ec 5:8; 8:14


7; Pr 1:10-16; 4:17

Ahab rose up.

2Sa 1:13-16; 4:9-12; 11:25-27; 23:15-17; Ps 50:18; Isa 33:15

Ob 1:12-14; Ro 1:32; 2Pe 2:15

2Ki 1:15,16; 5:26; Ps 9:12; Isa 26:21

which is in Samaria.

13:32; 2Ch 22:9

Hast thou killed.

Ge 3:11; 4:9,10; 2Sa 12:9; Mic 3:1-4; Hab 2:9,12

In the place.This punishment, on Ahab's humiliation and repentance, was transferred from him to his son Jehoram, (ver. 29,) in whom it was literally accomplished: see the parallel texts.

22:38; Jud 1:7; 2Sa 12:11; 2Ki 9:25,26; Es 7:10; Ps 7:15,16

Ps 9:16; 58:10,11; Mt 7:2

Hast thou found me.

18:17; 22:8; 2Ch 18:7,17; Am 5:10; Mr 12:12; Ga 4:16; Re 11:10

Am 5:10; Mr 12:12; Ga 4:16; Re 11:10

thou hast sold.

25; 2Ki 17:17; Isa 50:1; 52:3; Ro 7:14

to work.

16:30; 2Ki 21:2; 2Ch 33:6; Eph 4:19


14:10; Ex 20:5,6; 2Ki 9:7-9; 10:1-7,11-14,17,30

him that pisseth.

1Sa 25:22,34

him that is shut up.

14:10; De 32:36; 2Ki 9:8,9; 14:26

Psalms 58:1-2

1 David reproves wicked judges;

3 describes the nature of the wicked;

6 devotes them to God's judgments;

10 whereat the righteous shall rejoice.

(Title.) {Al-taschith.} or, Destroy not. A golden Psalm.

57:1; 59:1; *titles


72:1-4; De 16:18,19; 2Sa 23:3; 2Ch 19:6,7; Isa 11:3-5; 32:1

Jer 23:5,6

O congregation.

82:1,2; Nu 11:16; De 1:15,16; 2Sa 5:3; Mt 26:3; 27:1; Lu 23:50,51

Ac 5:21

O ye.


in heart.

21:11; Ec 3:16; Isa 59:4-6; Jer 22:16,17; Eze 22:12,27

Mic 3:1-3,9-12; Joh 11:47-53


94:20; Isa 10:1; 26:7

Psalms 82:2-5


62:3; Ex 10:3; 1Ki 18:21; Mt 17:17


58:1,2; Ex 23:6,7; Le 19:15; Mic 3:1-3,9-12


De 1:17; 2Ch 19:7; Job 34:19; Pr 18:5; Ga 2:6

Defend. Heb. Judge.

10:18; De 10:18; Isa 1:17,23


Jer 5:28; 22:3,16; Jas 1:27


72:12-14; Job 29:12,16,17; Pr 24:11,12


140:12; Ne 5:1-13; Job 5:15,16

They.That is, the judges know not.

know not.

53:4; Pr 1:29; Mic 3:1; Ro 1:28


Pr 2:13; 4:19; Ec 2:14; Joh 3:19; 12:35; 1Jo 2:11

all the, etc.All the civil institutions of the land totter.

11:3; 75:3; Ec 3:16; Isa 5:7; 2Ti 2:19

out of course. Heb. moved.

Psalms 94:21-22


2:1-3; 22:16; 59:3; Pr 1:11,16; Mt 27:1; Ac 4:5-7,27,28


Ex 23:7; 1Ki 21:19; Pr 17:15; Jer 26:15; Eze 22:6,12,27

Mt 23:32-36; Ac 7:52,58-60; Jas 5:6; Re 17:6


10; 27:1-3; 59:9,16,17; 62:2,6

the rock.

18:2; Isa 33:16

Ecclesiastes 4:1

1 Vanity is increased unto men by oppression;

4 by envy;

5 by idleness;

7 by covetousness;

9 by solitariness;

13 by wilfulness.

I returned.

Job 6:29; Mal 3:18

and considered.

3:16; 5:8; 7:7; Ex 1:13,14,16,22; 2:23,24; 5:16-19; De 28:33,48

Jud 4:3; 10:7,8; Ne 5:1-5; Job 24:7-12; Ps 10:9,10; Pr 28:3,15,16

Isa 5:7; 51:23; 59:7,13-15; Mal 3:5

the tears.

Ps 42:3,9; 80:5; 102:8,9; Mal 2:13; Jas 5:4

they had.

Job 16:4; 19:21,22; Ps 69:20; 142:4; Pr 19:7; La 1:2,9; Mt 26:56

2Ti 4:16,17

side. Heb. hand.

Ecclesiastes 5:8

thou seest.

3:16; 4:1; Ps 12:5; 55:9; 58:11; Pr 8:17; Hab 1:2,3,13


Zec 8:6; 1Jo 3:13; Re 17:6,7

matter. Heb. will, or purpose.

Isa 10:5-7,12; 46:10,11; Hab 1:12; Ac 4:27,28; Ro 11:33


Isa 57:15; Lu 1:32,35,76


1Ki 21:19,20; Job 20:19-29; 27:8-23; Ps 10:17,18; 12:5; 58:10,11

Ps 82:1; 83:18; 140:11,12; Isa 3:15; 5:7; 59:13-16; Jer 22:17-19

Eze 22:6-14; Am 5:12; 6:2-6,12; 8:4-7; Mic 2:1-3,9; 3:1-4,9-12

Mic 6:10-13; Zec 7:9-13; Mal 3:5; Jas 2:13; 5:2-7

higher than they.

1Ch 21:15,16; Ps 95:3; Isa 37:36; Mt 13:41,42; Ac 12:7-10,23

Isaiah 59:14

4; 5:23; 10:1,2; Ps 82:2-5; Ec 3:16; Jer 5:27,28,31; Am 5:7,11

Mic 3:9-11; 7:3-5; Hab 1:4; Zep 3:1-3
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