1 Kings 22:17

I saw.

1Sa 9:9; Jer 1:11-16; Eze 1:4; Ac 10:11-17

as sheep.

34-36; Nu 27:17; 2Ch 18:16,17; Jer 23:1,2; 50:6,17; Eze 34:4-6

Zec 10:2; 13:7; Mt 9:36

1 Kings 22:34-36

at a venture. Heb. in his simplicity.

2Sa 15:11

and smote.

1Sa 17:49; 2Ki 9:24

joints of the harness. Heb. joints and the breast-plate.

Re 9:9

wounded. Heb. made sick.

2Ch 18:30; 35:23; *margins

Mic 6:13

increased. Heb. ascended. died at even.

28; 20:42

midst. Heb. bosom.

there went.

17,31; 12:16; 2Ki 14:12

Every man.

12:24; Jud 7:7,8; 21:24; 1Sa 4:10; 2Sa 19:8; 2Ki 14:12

2 Chronicles 18:33-34

a certain man.

1Ki 22:34

at a venture. Heb. in his simplicity.

2Sa 15:11

between the, etc. Heb. between the joints and between thebreast plate. The {shiryon,} in Syriac, {sheryono,} seems to have covered both the back and breast of the warrior, and was consequently not properly a breast-plate, but a coat of mail or corslet. The corslet was made of flax or of wool woven very thick, of ox-hide, of brass, or of iron. The metallic corslet consisted not of solid piece, but of scales, hooks, or rings, connected like the links of a chain, that the warrior might move with greater ease. It was between the joints of this harness that Ahab received his mortal wound.

1Ki 22:34,35

wounded. Heb. made sick.


he died.

16,19,27; Nu 32:23; Pr 13:21; 28:17

Jeremiah 23:1-2

1 He prophesies a restoration of the scattered flock.

5 Christ shall rule and save them.

9 Against false prophets;

33 and mockers of the true prophets.


2:8,26; Eze 13:3; 34:2; Zec 11:17; Mt 23:13-29; Lu 11:42-52


2,11-15; 2:8; 10:21; 12:10; 22:22; 25:34-36; 50:6; Isa 56:9-12

Eze 22:25-29; 34:2-10,21; Mic 3:11,12; Zep 3:3,4

Zec 11:5-7,15-17; Mt 9:36; 15:14; Joh 10:10,12

and have.

Mt 25:36,43; Jas 1:27


34; *marg:

5:9,29; 8:12; 11:22; 13:21; *margins

Ex 32:34; Ho 2:13; Mic 7:4

Ezekiel 34:5-6

they were.

6; 33:21,28; 1Ki 22:17; 2Ch 18:16; Jer 23:2; 50:6,17; Zec 13:7

Mt 9:36

because there is no shepherd. or, without a shepherd, and sover.


Zec 10:2,3

and they became.

8; Isa 56:9; Jer 12:9-12; Joh 10:2; Ac 20:29-31


7:16; Jer 13:16; 40:11,12; Heb 11:37,38; 1Pe 2:25

my flock.

Joh 10:16

and none.

Ps 142:4; Jer 5:1

Ezekiel 34:8



the shepherds.

2,3,10,18; Ac 20:33; 1Co 9:15; 2Pe 2:13; Jude 1:12

Zechariah 10:2

the idols. Heb. the teraphims.

Ge 31:19; Jud 18:14; Isa 44:9; 46:5; Jer 10:8; 14:22; Ho 3:4

Hab 2:18

the diviners.

Jer 23:25-27; 27:9; 29:8,21,22; La 2:14; Eze 13:6-16,22,23; 21:29

Mic 3:6-11

they comfort.

Job 13:4; 21:34; Jer 6:14; 8:11; 14:13; 23:17; 28:4-6,15; 37:19


Jer 13:17-20; 50:17; 51:23; Mic 2:12

troubled, because there. or, answered that there.

Nu 27:17; 1Ki 22:17; Eze 34:5,8; Mt 9:36

Zechariah 13:7

O sword.

De 32:41,42; Isa 27:1; Jer 47:6; Eze 21:4,5,9,10,28

my shepherd.

11:4,7; Isa 40:11; Eze 34:23,24; 37:24; Mic 5:2,4; Joh 10:10-18

Heb 13:20; 1Pe 5:4

the man.

Isa 9:6; Jer 23:5,6; Ho 12:3-5; Mt 1:23; 11:27; Joh 1:1,2; 5:17,18

Joh 5:23; 8:58; 10:30,38; 14:1,9-11,23; 16:15; 17:21-23; Php 2:6

Col 1:15-19; Heb 1:6-12; Re 1:8,11,17; 2:23; 21:6; 22:13-16


Isa 53:4-10; Da 9:24-26; Joh 1:29; 3:14-17; Ac 2:23; 4:26-28

Ro 3:24-26; 4:25; 5:6-10; 8:32; 2Co 5:21; Ga 3:13; Col 1:19,20

Heb 10:5-10; 1Pe 1:18-20; 2:24,25; 3:18; 1Jo 2:2; 4:9,10; Re 13:8

the sheep.

Mt 26:31,56; Mr 14:27,50; Joh 16:32

I will turn.

11:7,11; Mt 10:42; 18:10,11,14; Lu 12:32; 17:2; Joh 18:8,9
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