1 Kings 22:24-28



smote Micaiah.

2Ch 18:23,24; Isa 50:5,6; La 3:30; Mic 5:1; Mr 14:65; 15:19,20

Joh 15:18,20; Ac 23:2

Which way.

Jer 28:10,11; 29:26,27; Mt 26:68; 27:42,43


Nu 31:8; Isa 9:14-16; Jer 23:15; 28:16,17; 29:21,22,32; Am 7:17

2Pe 2:1; Re 19:20

into an inner chamber. or, from chamber to chamber. Heb. achamber in a chamber.

20:30; *marg:

carry him back.


Put this fellow.

2Ch 16:10; 18:25-27; Jer 20:2; 29:26; 37:15; 38:6; La 3:53-55

Mr 6:17-28; Lu 3:20; Ac 5:18; 16:23,24; 24:25-27; 26:10; Eph 3:1

Re 2:10

bread of affliction.

De 16:3; Ps 80:5; 102:9; 127:2; Isa 30:20

until I come in peace.

Lu 12:45,46; 1Th 5:2,3; Jas 4:13,14

If thou return.

Nu 16:29; De 18:20-22; 2Ki 1:10,12; Isa 44:26; Jer 28:8,9

Ac 13:10,11


18:21-24,36,37; 2Ch 18:27; Am 3:1; Mic 1:2; Mr 7:14-16; 12:37

Jeremiah 36:17-18


Joh 9:10,11,15,26,27


2,4; 43:2,3; Pr 26:4,5

with ink.{Baddeyo} is rendered by some, after him; but {deyo} (in Chaldee and Syriac {deyootha,} and in Welsh {du,}) certainly denotes ink; whence are derived the Arabic {dawat} and {deweet,} and Persian {deeveet,} an ink-holder; the Syriac {dayowo}, and Persian {div,} the devil. So the Alexandrian copy of the LXX. has [en melani,] and Vulgate {atramento,} "with ink." Perhaps the princes supposed that Baruch had written this roll from memory; and that it was rather to be considered as his composition, than the substance of Jeremiah's prophecies; and they might ask this apparently frivolous question in order to allay the alarms excited by considering it as the word of God. But Baruch, with great simplicity, so answered their question, as to shew that he only acted as Jeremiah's amanuensis, and wrote verbatim what he had dictated.

Matthew 15:1-3

1 Christ reproves the Scribes and Pharisees for transgressing God's commandments through their own traditions;

10 teaches how that which goes into the mouth does not defile a man.

21 He heals the daughter of the woman of Canaan,

29 and other great multitudes;

32 and with seven loaves and a few little fishes feeds four thousand men, beside women and children.


Mr 7:1-13


5:20; 23:2,15-28; Lu 5:30; Ac 23:9


Lu 5:17,21


Mr 7:2,5; Ge 1:14; Col 2:8,20-23; 1Pe 1:18

tradition.Tradition, in Latin {traditio,} from {trado,} I deliver, hand down, exactly agreeing with the original [paradosis ,] from [paradidomi ,] I deliver, transmit. Among the Jews it signifies what is called oral law, which they say has been successively handed down from Moses, through every generation, to Judah the Holy, who compiled and digested it into the Mishneh, to explain which the two Gemaras, or Talmuds, called the Jerusalem and Babylonish, were composed. Of the estimation in which these were held by the Jews, the following may serve as an example: "The words of the Scribes are lovely beyond the words of the law, for the words of the law are weighty and light, but the words of the Scribes are all weighty."


7:3-5; Mr 7:6-8,13; Col 2:8,23; Tit 1:14

Matthew 16:1-4

1 The Pharisees require a sign.

5 Jesus warns his disciples of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.

13 The people's opinion of Christ,

16 and Peter's confession of him.

21 Jesus foretells his death;

23 reproves Peter for dissuading him from it;

24 and admonishes those that will follow him, to bear the cross.


5:20; 9:11; 12:14; 15:1; 22:15,34; 23:2; 27:62


6,11; 3:7,8; 22:23; Mr 12:18; Lu 20:27; Ac 4:1; 5:17; 23:6-8


19:3; 22:18,35; Mr 10:2; 12:15; Lu 10:25; 11:16,53,54; 20:23; Joh 8:6

a sign.

12:38,39; Mr 8:11-13; Lu 11:16,29,30; 12:54-56; Joh 6:30,31

1Co 1:22


Lu 12:54-56

O ye.

7:5; 15:7; 22:18; 23:13; Lu 11:44; 13:15

the signs.

4:23; 11:5; 1Ch 12:32


12:39,40; Mr 8:12,38; Ac 2:40


Jon 1:17; Lu 11:29,30

And he.

15:14; Ge 6:3; Ho 4:17; 9:12; Mr 5:17,18; Ac 18:6

Matthew 21:23-27


Mr 11:27,28; Lu 19:47,48; 20:1,2

the chief priests.

1Ch 24:1-19

By what.

Ex 2:14; Ac 4:7; 7:27

I also.

10:16; Pr 26:4,5; Lu 6:9; Col 4:6


3:1-12; 11:7-15; 17:12,13; Mr 1:1-11; 11:27-33; Lu 1:11-17,67-80

Lu 3:2-20; 7:28-35; Joh 1:6,15,25-34; 3:26-36


Lu 20:5; Joh 3:18; 5:33-36,44-47; 10:25,26; 12:37-43; 1Jo 3:20

we fear.

46; 14:5; Isa 57:11; Mr 11:32; 12:12; Lu 20:6,19; 22:2; Joh 9:22

Ac 5:26


Mr 6:20; Joh 5:35; 10:41,42

We cannot tell.

15:14; 16:3; 23:16-28; Isa 6:10; 28:9; 29:10-12; 42:19,20; 56:10,11

Jer 8:7-9; Mal 2:6-9; Lu 20:7,8; Joh 9:30,40,41; Ro 1:18-22,28

2Co 4:3; 2Th 2:9,10

Matthew 22:15-32


Ps 2:2; Mr 12:13-17; Lu 20:20-26


Ps 41:6; 56:5-7; 57:6; 59:3; Isa 29:21; Jer 18:18; 20:10; Lu 11:53,54

Heb 12:3

they sent.The profound malice of the Pharisees appears here in their choice of companions, their affected praise, and the artful and difficult questions they proposed.

the Herodians.

16:11,12; Mr 3:6; 8:15


24,26; 26:18,49; Mr 10:17; Lu 7:40

we know.

Ps 5:9; 12:2; 55:21; Pr 29:5; Isa 59:13-15; Jer 9:3-5; Eze 33:30,31


Mal 2:6; Joh 7:18; 14:6; 18:37; 2Co 2:17; 4:2; 1Jo 5:20


De 33:9; 1Ki 22:14; Job 32:21,22; Mic 3:9-12; Mal 2:9; Mr 12:14

Lu 20:21; 2Co 5:16; Ga 1:10; 2:6; 1Th 2:4; Jas 3:17


Jer 42:2,3,20; Ac 28:22


De 17:14,15; Ezr 4:13; 7:24; Ne 5:4; 9:37; Ac 5:37; Ro 13:6,7


Lu 2:1; Joh 19:12-15; Ac 17:7; 25:8


Mr 2:8; Lu 5:22; 9:47; 20:23; Joh 2:25; Re 2:23


16:1-4; 19:3; Mr 12:5; Lu 10:25; Joh 8:6; Ac 5:9

a penny."In value sevenpence halfpenny."

18:28; 20:2; Re 6:6

superscription. or, inscription.

Lu 20:24


17:25-27; Pr 24:21; Lu 23:2; Ro 13:7

are Caesar's.This conclusion is drawn from their own maxims and premises. They held that "wherever the money of any king is current, there the inhabitants acknowledge that king for their lord." Now, by admitting that this was Cæsar's coin, and by consenting to receive it as the current coin of their country, they in fact acknowledged their subjection to his government, and of course their obligation to pay the tribute demanded of them. This answer was full of consummate wisdom, and it completely defeated the insidious designs of his enemies. He avoided rendering himself odious to the Jewish people by opposing their notions of liberty, or appearing to pay court to the emperor, without exposing himself to the charge of sedition and disaffection to the Roman government.


37; 4:10; Da 3:16-18; 6:10,11,20-23; Mal 1:6-8; 3:8-10; Ac 4:19; 5:29

1Pe 2:13-17

they marvelled.

33,46; 10:16; Pr 26:4,5; Lu 20:25,26; 21:15; Ac 6:10; Col 4:6


Mr 12:18-27; Lu 20:27-40

the Sadducees.

3:7; 16:6; Ac 4:1; 5:17; 23:6-8


1Co 15:12-14; 2Ti 2:18


16,36; 7:21; Lu 6:46


Ge 38:8,11; De 25:5-10; Ru 1:11; Mr 12:19; Lu 20:28

Mr 12:19-23; Lu 20:29-33; Heb 9:27

seventh. or, seven.





Job 19:25-27; Ps 16:9-11; 17:15; 49:14,15; 73:25,26; Isa 25:8; 26:19

Isa 57:1,2; Da 12:2,3; Ho 13:14; Lu 24:44-47; Joh 20:9; Ro 15:4


Ge 18:14; Jer 32:17; Lu 1:37; Ac 26:8; Php 3:21

in the.

Mr 12:24,25; Lu 20:34-36; Joh 5:28,29; 1Co 7:29-31; 1Jo 3:1,2


13:43; 18:10; Ps 103:20; Zec 3:7; 1Jo 3:2; Re 5:9-11; 19:10


9:13; 12:3,7; 21:16,42


Ex 3:6,15,16; Ac 7:32; Heb 11:16

God is.

Mr 12:26,27; Lu 20:37,38
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