1 Kings 8:27

But will.

2Ch 6:18; Isa 66:1; Joh 1:14; Ac 7:48,49; 17:24; 2Co 6:16; 1Jo 3:1

the heaven.

De 10:14; 2Ch 2:6; Ps 113:4; 139:7-16; Jer 23:24; 2Co 12:2

Job 22:12

not God.

Ps 115:3,16; Ec 5:2; Isa 57:15; 66:1

height. Heb. head. the stars.

Ps 8:3,4

Job 25:5-6

Isa 24:23; 60:19,20; 2Co 3:10

How much less, etc.The original is degradingly expressive: "How much less {enosh,} miserable man, who is a worm; and the son of Adam, who is {tolëäh,} a maggot."

4:19; Ge 18:27; Ps 22:6; Isa 41:14

Job 36:26-33


37:5; Ps 145:3


11:7-9; 26:14; 37:23; 1Ki 8:27


Ps 90:2; 102:24-27; Heb 1:12; 2Pe 3:8


5:9; 38:25-28,34; Ge 2:5,6; Ps 65:9-13; Isa 5:6; Jer 14:22

the vapour.

33; Ps 148:8

37:11-13; Ge 7:11,12; Pr 3:20

the spreadings.

37:16; 38:9,37; 1Ki 18:44,45; Ps 104:3

the noise.

37:2-5; Ps 18:13; 29:3-10; 77:16-19; 104:7; Na 1:3; Hab 3:10


38:25,34,35; Lu 17:24


38:8-11; Ge 1:9; Ex 14:22,28; 15:4,5; Ps 18:11-16; 104:5-9

bottom. Heb. roots.


37:13; 38:22,23; Ge 6:17; 7:17-24; 19:24; Ex 9:23-25; De 8:2,15

Jos 10:11; 1Sa 2:10; 7:10; 12:18

he giveth.

38:26,27; Ps 65:9-13; 104:13-15,27,28; 136:25; Ac 14:17
Perhaps these difficult verses should be rendered, "He covereth the concave with lightning, and chargeth it what it shall strike. Its noise declareth concerning him; a magazine of wrath against iniquity."

26:9; Ex 10:21-23; Ps 18:11; 135:7; 147:8,9; 148:8; Ac 27:20


29; 37:2; 2Sa 22:14; 1Ki 18:41-45

the cattle.

Jer 14:4-6; Joe 1:18; 2:22

the vapour. Heb. that which goeth up.


Job 37:1-5

1 God is to be feared because of his great works.

15 His wisdom is unsearchable in them.

4:14; 21:6; 38:1; Ex 19:16; Ps 89:7; 119:120; Jer 5:22; Da 10:7,8

Hab 3:16; Mt 28:2-4; Ac 16:26,29

Hear attentively. Heb. Hear in hearing. the noise.

5; 36:29,33; 38:1; Ex 19:16-19; Ps 104:7


Ps 77:13; 97:4; Mt 24:27; Re 11:19

lightning. Heb. light. ends. Heb. wings.

38:13; Isa 11:12; *marg:

a voice.

Ps 29:3-9; 68:33

the voice.

Ex 15:7,8; De 33:26

he will.



2Sa 22:14,15


5:9; 9:10; 11:7; 26:14; 36:26; Ec 3:11; Isa 40:21,22,28; Ro 11:33

Re 15:3

Job 37:22-23

Fair. Heb. Gold weather.

Pr 25:23


40:10; 1Ch 29:11; Ps 29:4; 66:5; 68:7,8; 76:12; 93:1; 104:1; 145:5

Isa 2:10,19; Mic 5:4; Na 1:3; Hab 3:3-19; Heb 1:3; 12:29; Jude 1:25


19; 11:7; 26:14; 36:26; Pr 30:3,4; Ec 3:11; Lu 10:22; Ro 11:33

1Ti 6:16


9:4,19; 12:13; 36:5; Ps 62:11; 65:6; 66:3; 93:1; 99:4; 146:6,7

Isa 45:21; Mt 6:13

in judgment.

Ps 36:5-7

he will.

16:7-17; Ps 30:5; La 3:32,33; Heb 12:10

Psalms 8:3-4


19:1; 111:2; Job 22:12; 36:24; Ro 1:20


33:6; Ge 1:1; Ex 8:19; 31:18; Lu 11:20


104:19; 136:7-9; 148:3; Ge 1:16-18; De 4:19; Job 25:3,5


144:3; 2Ch 6:18; Job 7:17; 25:6; Isa 40:17; Heb 2:6-9


4:2; 80:17; 146:3; Isa 51:12; Eze 8:15; Mt 8:20


106:4; Ge 21:1; Ex 4:31; Lu 1:68; 19:44; 1Pe 2:12
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