1 Kings 8:41-43

a stranger.

10:1,2; Ru 1:16; 2:11; 2Ch 6:32; Isa 56:3-7; Mt 8:5,10,11; 15:22-28

Lu 17:18; Joh 12:20; Ac 10:1-4

cometh out.

10:1,2; Ex 18:8-12; 2Ki 5:1-7,16,17; Isa 60:1-10; Mt 2:1; 12:42

Ac 8:27-40

For they shall.

Ex 15:14; De 4:6; Jos 2:10,11; 9:9,10; 2Ch 32:31; Da 2:47; 3:28

Da 4:37

great name.

Ex 3:13-16; 34:5-7; Jos 7:9; Ps 86:8,9; Eze 20:9

thy strong hand.

Ex 3:19; 9:15; 13:14; De 3:24; 4:34; 11:2,3; 2Ki 17:36; Ps 89:13

Ps 136:12; Isa 51:9; 63:12; Jer 31:11; 32:17

when he shall.

Isa 66:19,20; Jer 3:19; Zec 14:16; Ac 8:27

that all the people.

1Sa 17:46; 2Ki 19:19; 2Ch 6:33; Ps 22:27; 67:2; 72:10,11; 86:9

Isa 11:9; Re 11:15

fear thee.

Ps 102:15; 117:1,2

this house. Heb. thy name is called upon this house.


2 Chronicles 6:32-33

the stranger.

Ex 12:48,49; Ru 1:16; 2:11,12; 1Ki 8:41-43; 10:1,2; Isa 56:3-7

Mt 2:1; 8:10,11; Joh 10:16; 12:20; Ac 8:27-39; 10:1-4; Eph 2:12,13

is come.

Ex 18:8-12; Jos 2:9; 9:9; 2Ki 5:3,8,15; Isa 60:1-10; Zec 8:22

Mt 12:42

thy mighty.

Ex 3:19,20; 13:14; Ps 89:13

if they come.

Isa 66:20; Zec 14:16,17; Ac 2:10

that all people.

1Sa 17:46; 2Ki 19:19; Ps 22:27; 46:10; 67:2; 138:4,5; Isa 11:10

Isa 49:6; 54:1-3; Re 11:15

fear thee.

Jer 10:7

this house, etc. Heb. they name is called upon this house.

Nu 6:27; 1Ki 8:16

Psalms 68:29


1Ch 17:4-12; 22:7-11; 28:10-21; 29:3; 2Ch 2:5,6; 6:8,9


72:10,11; 76:11; 1Ki 10:10,24,25; 2Ch 32:33; Ezr 7:13-28; Ne 2:8

Isa 60:6-11,16,17

Isaiah 56:3-8

the son.

Nu 18:4,7; De 23:1-3; Zec 8:20-23; Mt 8:10,11; Ac 8:27; 10:1,2,34

Ac 13:47,48; 17:4; 18:7; Ro 2:10,11; 15:9-12,16; Eph 2:12,22

1Pe 1:1


Jer 50:5; Zep 2:11; 1Co 6:17

The Lord hath.

Mt 15:26,27; Lu 7:6-8


5; 39:7; Jer 38:7-13; 39:16,17; Da 1:3-21; Mt 19:12-30; Ac 8:26-40


Jos 24:15; Ps 119:111; Lu 10:42

take hold.

27:5; 55:3; 2Sa 23:5; Jer 50:5; Heb 6:17

will I.

Mt 16:18; Eph 2:22; 1Ti 3:15; Heb 3:6

and a.

62:12; Joh 1:12; 1Jo 3:1; Re 3:12


1Sa 1:8

that shall.

55:13; Re 3:5


3; 44:5; Jer 50:5; Ac 2:41; 11:23; 2Co 8:5; 1Th 1:9,10

to love.

Mr 12:30-34; Ro 8:28; 1Co 16:22; Ga 5:6; Eph 6:24; Jas 1:12; 2:5


2; 58:13; Re 1:10

them will.

2:2,3; 66:19,20; Ps 2:6; Mic 4:1,2; Zec 8:3; Mal 1:11; Joh 12:20-26

Eph 2:11-13; Heb 12:22; 1Pe 1:1,2

their burnt.

Ro 12:1; Heb 13:15; 1Pe 2:5

for mine.

Mal 1:11; Mt 21:13; Mr 11:17; Lu 19:46; Joh 4:21-23; 1Ti 2:8


11:11,12; 27:12,13; 54:7; Ps 106:47; 107:2,3; 147:2; Jer 30:17

Jer 31:10; Ho 1:11; Mic 4:6; Zep 3:18-20; Zec 10:8-10


43:6; 49:12,22; 60:3-11; 66:18-21; Ge 49:10; Joh 10:16; 11:52

Eph 1:10; 2:14-16

beside those that are gathered. Heb. to his gathered.

John 12:20


7:35; Mr 7:26; Ac 14:1; 16:1; 17:4; 20:21; 21:28; Ro 1:16; 10:12

Ga 2:3; 3:28; Col 3:11

to worship.

1Ki 8:41-43; Isa 11:10; 60:2-14; 66:19-21; Ac 8:27
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