1 Kings 9:11-18

Now Hiram.

5:6-10; 2Ch 2:8-10,16

king Solomon.

2Ch 8:2

of Galilee.

Jos 20:7

they pleased him not. Heb. were not right in his eyes.

Nu 22:34; Jud 14:3; *margins

my brother.

5:1,2; Am 1:9

Cabul. that is, Displeasing, or dirty.Josephus says that {Cabul,} in the Phoenician language, signifies [ouk areskon,] displeasing; and that these cities were situated in the neighbourhood of Tyre. Most commentators are persuaded that the city Cabul in the tribe of Asher was one; and probably from this Hiram took occasion to give this name to all the other cities which Solomon had ceded to him.

Jos 19:27

11,28; 10:10,14,21

A.M. 2989-3029. B.C. 1015-975. the reason.

21; 5:13

to build.

10; 6:38; 7:1; 2Ch 8:1

Millo.Millo is said to have been a deep valley, between the ancient city of Jebus and the city of David on mount Zion. This Solomon filled up, and built upon; and it became a fortified place, and a place for public assemblies.

24; 11:27; Jud 9:6,20; 2Sa 5:9; 2Ki 12:20

the wall.

Ps 51:18

Hazor.Probably the city Hazor in Naphtali, and the famous capital of Jabin, situated in the lake Merom or Semechon, and placed by Josephus south of Tyre, near Ptolemais.

Jos 11:1; 19:36; Jud 4:2; 2Ki 15:29


4:12; Jos 17:11; Jud 5:19; 2Ki 9:27; 23:29,30; 2Ch 35:22; Zec 12:11


16,17; Jos 10:33; 16:10; 21:21; Jud 1:29; 1Ch 6:67; 20:4


24; 3:1


Jos 16:3; 19:44; 21:22; 2Ch 8:4-6,7-18


Jos 19:44


2Ch 8:4
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