1 Samuel 13:1-5

1 Saul's select band.

3 He calls the Hebrews to Gilgal against the Philistines, whose garrison Jonathan had smitten.

5 The Philistines' great host.

6 The distress of the Israelites.

8 Saul, weary of staying for Samuel, sacrifices.

11 Samuel reproves him.

17 The three spoiling bands of the Philistines.

19 The policy of the Philistines, to suffer no smith in Israel.

A.M. 2911. B.C. 1093. An. Ex. Is. 398.

reigned one year. Heb. the son of one year in his reigning.This verse is variously interpreted; but probably it only means, according to the Hebrew idiom, that, during the first year nothing remarkable occurred; but after two years, (or in the second year of his reign,) the subsequent events took place.

Ex 12:5; Mic 6:6; *marg:


8:11; 14:52

Michmash.Michmash was situated east of Bethaven, or Bethel; and Eusebius says it was in his time a considerable place, about nine miles from Jerusalem, towards Rama.

5,23; 14:5,31; Isa 10:28

in Gibeah.

10:26; 15:34; Jos 18:28; Jud 19:12; 2Sa 21:6; Isa 10:29

the garrison.

10:5; 14:1-6; 2Sa 23:14

Geba. or, the hill.

Jos 18:24


Jos 21:17; Isa 10:29; Zec 14:10


Jud 3:27; 6:34; 2Sa 2:28; 20:1

was had in abomination. Heb. did stink.

Ge 34:30; 46:34; Ex 5:21; Zec 11:8

to Gilgal.

10:8; 11:14,15; Jos 5:9

thirty thousand chariots.The Philistines had no doubt collected troops in this emergency, from all the surrounding nation; but the number of chariots is immensely large beyond any example, and wholly disproportioned to the number of their cavalry. It is probable, therefore, that for {sheloshim aileph,} "thirty thousand," we should read {shelosh aileph,} "three thousand," with the Syriac and Arabic.

as the sand.

Ge 22:17; Jos 11:4; Jud 7:12; 2Ch 1:9; Isa 48:19; Jer 15:8; Ro 9:27


14:23; Jos 7:2; 18:12; Ho 4:15; 5:8; 10:5
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