1 Samuel 13:2


8:11; 14:52

Michmash.Michmash was situated east of Bethaven, or Bethel; and Eusebius says it was in his time a considerable place, about nine miles from Jerusalem, towards Rama.

5,23; 14:5,31; Isa 10:28

in Gibeah.

10:26; 15:34; Jos 18:28; Jud 19:12; 2Sa 21:6; Isa 10:29

1 Samuel 13:22

there was neither.

17:47,50; Jud 5:8; Zec 4:6; 1Co 1:27-29; 2Co 4:7

1 Samuel 14:39-45

24,44; 19:6; 20:31; 22:16; 28:10; 2Sa 12:5; Ec 9:2

Do what seemeth.

7,36; 2Sa 15:15

Therefore.Both the Septuagint and Vulgate add much to this verse: [Kai eipe Saoul, Kyrie Lo Theos Israel, ti Loti ouk apekrithes to doulo sou semeron? ei en emoi e en lonathan to Luio mou he adikia, Kyrie ho Theos Israel dos delous kai ean tade eipe, dos de to lao sou Israel, dos de osioteta, k.t.l.] {Et dixit Saul ad Dominum Deum Israel; Domine Deus Israel da indicium: quid est quòd non responderis servo tuo hodie? Si in me, aut in Jonatha filio meo est iniquitas hæc, da ostensionem: aut si hæc iniquitas est in populo tuo, da sanctitatem, etc.} "And Saul said [to the Lord God of Israel, Vulg.] Lord God of Israel [give a sign, Vulg.] Why is it that thou has not answered thy servant to-day? If the iniquity be in me, or in my son Jonathan, [O Lord God of Israel, LXX.] make it manifest; and if thou say thus, give to thy people Israel, give mercy," etc., [but Vulg. Or, if this iniquity be in thy people, give sanctification," etc.]

Give a perfect lot. or, Shew the innocent.

Pr 16:33; Ac 1:24

And Saul.

10:20,21; Jos 7:16-18; Jon 1:7

escaped. Heb. went forth.


Tell me.

Jos 7:19; Jon 1:7-10

I did but.



25:22; Ru 1:17; 2Sa 3:9; 19:13

thou shalt.

39; Ge 38:24; 2Sa 12:5,31; Pr 25:16

who hath.

23; 19:5; Ne 9:27

there shall not.The people judged rightly, that the guilt was contracted by Saul, and not by Jonathan; and therefore they rescued him from the hands of his rash and severe father.

2Sa 14:11; 1Ki 1:52; Mt 10:30; Lu 21:18; Ac 27:34

he hath.

2Ch 19:11; Isa 13:3; Ac 14:27; 15:12; 21:19; Ro 15:18; 1Co 3:9

2Co 6:1; Php 2:12,13; Re 17:14; 19:14

the people.

Isa 29:20,21

1 Samuel 18:1-4

1 Jonathan loves David.

5 Saul envies his praise;

10 seeks to kill him in his fury;

12 fears him for his good success;

17 offers him his daughters for a snare.

23 David persuaded to be the king's son-in-law, gives two hundred foreskins of the Philistines for Michal's dowry.

28 Saul's hatred and David's glory increase.

the soul of Jonathan.The modesty, piety, and courage of David were so congenial to the character of the amiable Jonathan, that they attracted his most cordial esteem and affection; so that the most intimate friendship subsisted between them from that time, and they loved each other with pure hearts fervently. Their friendship could not be affected by the common vicissitudes of life; and it exemplifies by fact what the ancients have written on the subject; [Ten philian isoteta einai, kai mian psychen ton philon heteron auton.] "Friendship is an entire sameness, and one soul: a friend is another self."

14:1-14,45; Ge 44:30; Jud 20:11; 1Ch 12:17; Ps 86:11; Col 2:2

loved him.

3; 19:2; 20:17; De 13:6; 2Sa 1:26; Pr 18:24

took him.

16:21-23; 17:15

made a covenant.

20:8-17,42; 23:18; 2Sa 9:1-3; 21:7

stripped himself.Presents of clothes or rich robes, as tokens of respect or friendship, are frequent in the East.

Ge 41:42; Es 6:8,9; Isa 61:10; Lu 15:22; 2Co 5:21; Php 2:7,8

2 Samuel 1:4-5

How went. Heb. What was, etc.

1Sa 4:16; *marg:

the people.

1Sa 31:1-6; 1Ch 10:1-6

How knowest.

Pr 14:15; 25:2

2 Samuel 1:25-26


19,27; La 5:16

thou was.

Jud 5:18; 1Sa 14:13-15

thy love.

1Sa 18:1-4; 19:2; 20:17,41; 23:16
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