1 Samuel 14:39
24,44; 19:6; 20:31; 22:16; 28:10; 2Sa 12:5; Ec 9:2 2 Samuel 14:11
let the king.Ge 14:22; 24:2,3; 31:50; 1Sa 20:42thou, etc. Heb. the revenger of blood do not multiply todestroy. the revengers. Nu 35:19,27; De 19:4-10; Jos 20:3-6As the Lord.1Sa 14:45; 28:10; Jer 4:2not one hair.1Ki 1:52; Mt 10:30; Ac 27:34 Mark 6:26
Mt 14:9; 27:3-5,24,25
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