1 Samuel 15:9-11

the best.

3,15,19; Jos 7:21

the fatlings. or, the second sort.

2Sa 6:13


repenteth me.

35; Ge 6:6; 2Sa 24:16; Ps 110:4; Jer 18:7-10; Am 7:3; Jon 3:10; 4:2


Jos 22:16; 1Ki 9:6; Ps 36:3; 78:41,57; 125:5; Zep 1:6; Mt 24:13

Heb 10:38

hath not performed.

3,9; 13:13

it grieved.

35; 16:1; Ps 119:136; Jer 9:1,18; 13:17; Lu 19:41-44; Ro 9:1-3

he cried.

12:23; Ps 109:4; Mt 5:44; Lu 6:12

1 Kings 20:34

The cities.

15:20; 2Ch 16:4

So he made a covenant.One of the conditions of this covenant, we learn, was, that Ahab should have "streets (chutzoth) in Damascus;" a proposal better relished by Ahab then understood by the generality of commentators. This, however, is well illustrated by Mr. Harmer, from William of Tyre, the great historian of the Crusades; from whom it appears that it was customary to give those nations which were engaged in them, churches, streets, and great jurisdiction therein, in those places which they assisted to conquer. The Genoese and Venetians had each a street in Acon, or Acre, in which they had their own jurisdiction, with liberty to have an oven, mill, baths, weights, and measures, etc.

42; 22:31; 2Ch 18:30; Isa 8:12; 26:10

1 Kings 22:31-37

thirty and two.

20:24; 2Ch 18:30



small nor great.

Ge 19:11; 1Sa 30:2; Jer 16:6

they turned.

Pr 13:20


Ex 14:10; 2Ch 18:31; Ps 50:15; 91:15; 116:1,2; 130:1-4; Jon 2:1,2

that they turned.

31; Ps 76:10

at a venture. Heb. in his simplicity.

2Sa 15:11

and smote.

1Sa 17:49; 2Ki 9:24

joints of the harness. Heb. joints and the breast-plate.

Re 9:9

wounded. Heb. made sick.

2Ch 18:30; 35:23; *margins

Mic 6:13

increased. Heb. ascended. died at even.

28; 20:42

midst. Heb. bosom.

there went.

17,31; 12:16; 2Ki 14:12

Every man.

12:24; Jud 7:7,8; 21:24; 1Sa 4:10; 2Sa 19:8; 2Ki 14:12

was brought. Heb. came.

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