1 Samuel 20:41

and fell.

25:23; Ge 43:28; 2Sa 9:6

and they kissed.

10:1; Ge 29:11,13; 45:15; 2Sa 19:39; Ac 20:37

David exceeded.

18:3; 2Sa 1:26

2 Samuel 15:30

the ascent.

Zec 14:4; Lu 19:29,37; 21:37; 22:39; Ac 1:12

mount Olivet.Mount Olivet, so called from its abounding with olive trees, is situated east of Jerusalem, being separated from it only by the valley of Jehoshaphat and the brook Kidron. Josephus says it is five stadia, i.e., 625 geometrical paces from Jerusalem; and St. Luke (Ac 1:12) says it is a Sabbath day's journey, or about eight stadia distant, i.e., to the summit. It forms part of a ridge of limestone hills, extending from north to south for about a mile; and it is described as having three, or, according to others, four summits; the central and highest of which overlooks the whole of the city, over whose streets and walls the eye roves as if in the survey of a model.

and wept as he went up. Heb. going up and weeping.

Ps 42:3-11; 43:1,2,5; Lu 19:41

his head covered.This custom was only practised by persons in great distress, or when convicted of great crimes. Thus Darius, when informed by Tyriotes, the eunuch, that his queen was dead, and that she had suffered no violence from Alexander, covered his head, and wept a long time; then throwing off the garment that covered him, he thanked the gods for Alexander's moderation and justice.

19:4; Es 6:12; Jer 14:3,4


Isa 20:2,4; Eze 24:17,23


Ps 126:5,6; Mt 5:4; Ro 12:15; 1Co 12:26

2 Kings 20:3


Ge 8:1; Ne 5:19; 13:14,22,31; Ps 25:7; 89:47,50; 119:49; Isa 63:11

I have walked.

18:3-6; Ge 5:22,24; 17:1; 1Ki 2:4; 3:6; Job 1:1,8; Lu 1:6

in truth.

2Ch 31:20,21; Ps 32:2; 145:18; Jer 4:2; Joh 1:47; 2Co 1:12

1Jo 3:21,22

a perfect heart.

1Ki 8:61; 11:4; 15:14; 2Ch 16:9

wept sore. Heb. wept with a great weeping.

2Sa 12:21,22; Ps 6:6; 102:9; Isa 38:14; Heb 5:7

Ezra 10:1

1 Ezra encouraged to reform the strange marriages.

6 Ezra assembles the people.

9 The people repent, and promise amendment.

15 The care to perform it.

18 The names of them which had married strange wives.

when Ezra.

Da 9:3,4,20; Ac 10:30

when he had.

Le 26:40,41; Ps 32:5; Ho 14:2; 1Jo 1:8-10


Ps 119:136; Jer 9:1; 13:17; Zec 12:10; Lu 19:41; Ro 9:2

before the house.

1Ki 8:30; 9:3; 2Ch 20:9

a very great.

De 31:12; 2Ch 20:13; Ne 10:28; Joe 2:16-18; Ac 21:5

very sore. Heb. a great weeping.

Jud 2:4,5; Ne 8:9

Job 2:12

knew him.

19:14; Ru 1:19-21; La 4:7,8

their voice.

Ge 27:34; Jud 2:4; 1Sa 11:4; 30:4; 2Sa 13:36; Es 4:1

they rent.


sprinkled dust upon.

Ne 9:1; La 2:10; Eze 27:30; Re 18:19

Psalms 126:5

that sow.

137:1; Isa 12:1-3; Jer 31:9-13; Joe 2:17,23; Mt 5:4; Joh 16:20-22

2Co 7:8-11

joy. or, singing.
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