1 Samuel 25:18-22

made haste.

34; Nu 16:46-48; Pr 6:4,5; Mt 5:25

took two.The Eastern bread is generally both thin and small; and answers to our cakes.

Ge 32:13-20; 43:11-14; 2Sa 17:28,29; Pr 18:16; 21:14

two bottles.That is, two goatskins' full.

five sheep.Not one sheep to one hundred men.

clusters. Heb. lumps. Raisins dried in the sun.

2Sa 16:1

cakes of figs.Figs cured and then pressed together. Now all this provision was a matter of little worth; and had it been granted in the first instance, it would have perfectly satisfied David, and secured his good offices.


Ge 32:16,20


Pr 31:11,12,27


2Ki 4:24

she came down.David was coming down mount Paran; Abigail was coming down from Carmel.


13; Job 30:8; Ps 37:8; Eph 4:26,31; 1Th 5:15; 1Pe 2:21-23; 3:9

he hath requited.

Ge 44:4; Ps 35:12; 38:20; 109:3-5; Pr 17:13; Jer 18:20; Ro 12:21

1Pe 2:20; 3:17

So and more.Nothing can justify this conduct of David, which was rash, unjust, and cruel in the extreme. David himself condemns it, and thanks God for being prevented from executing this evil. (ver. 32-34.)

3:17; 14:44; 20:13,16; Ru 1:17

if I leave.


any that pisseth, etc.This seems to have been a proverbial expression among the Israelites; and may with the utmost propriety be read "any male."

1Ki 14:10; 16:11; 21:21; 2Ki 9:8

1 Samuel 25:26-27

as the Lord liveth.

34; 22:3; 2Ki 2:2; 4:6

and as thy.


the Lord hath.

33; Ge 20:6


Ro 12:19,20

avenging thyself. Heb. saving thyself.

Ps 18:47,48; 44:3

now let.

2Sa 18:32; Jer 29:22; Da 4:19

blessing. or, present.

30:26; Ge 33:11; 2Ki 5:15; 2Co 9:5

follow. Heb. walk at the feet of.

42; *marg:

Jud 4:10; 2Sa 16:2
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