1 Samuel 28:8


1Ki 14:2,3; 22:30,34; Job 24:13-15; Jer 23:24; Joh 3:19

I pray thee.

De 18:11; 1Ch 10:13; Isa 8:19

bring me.


1 Kings 14:2-6

disguise thyself.

5,6; 22:30; 1Sa 28:8; 2Sa 14:2; 2Ch 18:29; Lu 12:2



And take.

13:7; 1Sa 9:7,8; 2Ki 4:42; 5:5,15; 8:7-9

with thee. Heb. in thine hand. cracknels. or, cakes.{Nikkoodim,} spotted, or perforated cakes; either, as some suppose, thin cakes pierced through with holes, the same as is called Jews' bread to the present day, and used by them at the passover; or, as Mr. Harmer imagines, cakes spotted with seeds, as with sesamum, Roman coriander, etc., such as he proves from Rauwolff, Russell, and Hanway, are still used in the East. This was certainly not a present that proclaimed royalty; but it does not appear to have been, in the estimation of the East, a present only fit for a country woman to have made, as Bp. Patrick supposes: for D'Arvieux informs us, that when he waited on an Arab emir, his mother and sisters sent him a present of pastry, honey, and fresh butter, with a bason of sweetmeats of Damascus.

cruse. or, bottle. he shall tell.

2Ki 1:2; 8:8; Lu 7:2,3; Joh 4:47,48; 11:3


11:29; Jos 18:1; 1Sa 4:3,4; Jer 7:12-14

for his eyes.

Ge 27:1; 48:10; De 34:7; 1Sa 3:2; 4:15; Ps 90:10; Ec 12:3

were set by reason of his age. Heb. stood for his hoariness.

the Lord.

2Ki 4:27; 6:8-12; Ps 139:1-4; Pr 21:30; Am 3:7; Ac 10:19,20

thou wife.

Job 5:13; Ps 33:10

why feignest.

2,5; Eze 14:3-5,7,8; Lu 20:20-23; Ac 5:3-5,9,10; Heb 4:13

for I am.

10,11; 13:20-22; 20:42; 21:18-24; 22:8; 1Sa 15:16,26; 28:18

Jer 21:2-7; Eze 2:4,5; Da 4:19-25; 4:19-25; 5:17-28; Mr 14:21

heavy tidings. Heb. hard tidings.

1 Kings 20:38


14:2; 22:30; 2Sa 14:2; Mt 6:16

Job 24:15


Ex 20:14; 2Sa 11:4-13; 12:12; Ps 50:18; Pr 6:32-35; 7:9,10

No eye.

22:13,14; Ps 10:11; 73:11; 94:7; Eze 8:12; 9:9

disguiseth his face. Heb. setteth his face in secret.Or, "putteth a covering on his face;" probably the hood of the burnoose, or cloak, which the Arabs sometimes throw over their other garments.

Ge 38:14,15

Jeremiah 23:24


49:10; Ge 16:13; Job 22:13,14; 24:13-16; Ps 10:11; 90:8

Ps 139:7,11-16; Pr 15:3; Isa 29:15; Eze 8:12; 9:9; Am 9:2,3


1Ki 8:27; 2Ch 2:6; 6:18; Ps 148:13; Isa 57:15; 66:1; Da 4:35

Eph 1:23
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