1 Samuel 31:1

1 Saul, having lost his army, and his sons slain, he and his armour-bearer kill themselves.

7 The Philistines possess the forsaken towns of the Israelites.

8 They triumph over the dead carcases.

11 They of Jabesh-gilead recovering the dead bodies by night, burn them at Jabesh, and mournfully bury their bones.

the Philistines.

28:1,15; 29:1

fell down.

12:25; 1Ch 10:1-12

slain. Heb. wounded. Gilboa.Eusebius and Jerome place this mountain six miles west from Bethshan, where was a large place called Gelbus. The natives still call it Djebel Gilbo.

28:4; 2Sa 1:21

2 Samuel 1:6

As I happened.The story of this young man appears to be wholly a fiction, formed for the purpose of ingratiating himself with David, as the next probable successor to the crown. There is no fact in the case, except for the bringing of the diadem and bracelets of Saul, as a sufficient evidence of his death, which, as he appears to been a plunderer of the slain, he seems to have stripped from the dead body of the unfortunate monarch. It is remarkable, that Saul, who had forfeited his crown by his disobedience and ill-timed clemency with respect to the Amalekites, should now have the insignia of royalty stripped from his person by one of those very people.

Ru 2:3; 1Sa 6:9; Lu 10:31


21; 1Sa 28:4; 31:1


1Sa 31:2-7

2 Samuel 1:21


1Sa 31:1; 1Ch 10:1,8

no dew.

Jud 5:23; Job 3:3-10; Isa 5:6; Jer 20:14-16


Joe 1:9; 2:14

not.Instead of {belee,} "not," we should probably, with Dr. Delaney and others, read {keley,} "weapons," as it is found on one MS. and in the first edition of the Hebrew Bible, printed at Soncini, 1488: "the shield of Saul; the weapons of the anointed with oil."


1Sa 10:1; Isa 21:5

2 Samuel 21:12

the bones of Saul.

2:5-7; 1Sa 31:11-13


Jos 17:11


1Sa 31:10

in Gilboa.

1:6,21; 1Sa 28:4; 31:1; 1Ch 10:1,8
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