1 Samuel 4:12-18

with his clothes rent.These, as we have already remarked, were the general signs of sorrow and distress.

2Sa 1:2

with earth.

Jos 7:6; 2Sa 13:19; 15:32; Ne 9:1; Job 2:12

sat upon.


his heart.

Jos 7:9; Ne 1:3,4; Ps 26:8; 79:1-8; 137:4-6

What meaneth.



3:2; Ps 90:10

and his eyes.

Ge 27:1

were dim. Heb. stood.

What is there done. Heb. What is the thing.

2Sa 1:4

my son.

3:6; Jos 7:19


10,11; 3:11

when he made.

21,22; Ps 26:8; 42:3,10; 69:9; La 2:15-19

his neck.

2:31,32; 3:12,13; Le 10:3; 1Co 11:30-32; 1Pe 4:17,18

And he had."He seems to have been a judge to do justice only, and that in south-west Israel."

Job 1:15-19


Ge 10:7,28; 25:3; Ps 72:10; Isa 45:14; Eze 23:42; Joe 3:8

and I only.

16,17,19; 1Sa 22:20,21

there came.

Ge 19:24; Le 9:24; 1Ki 18:38; 2Ki 1:10,12,14; Am 7:4; Re 13:13

The fire of God. or, A great fire.

Ex 9:28; 1Sa 14:15; *marg:

The Chaldeans.

Ge 11:28; Isa 23:13; Hab 1:6

fell. Heb. rushed. I only am.

15; 2Sa 1:3

there came.

6:2,3; 16:14; 19:9,10; 23:2; Isa 28:19; Jer 51:31; La 1:12

Am 4:6-11

Thy sons.

4,13; 8:4; 27:14; Ps 34:19; Ec 9:2


2Sa 13:28

a great.

Jer 4:11,12; Eph 2:2

from. Heb. from aside, etc. it fell.

Jud 16:30; 1Ki 20:30; Mt 7:27; Lu 13:1-5; Ac 28:4

they are dead.

Ge 37:32,33; 42:36; 2Sa 18:33

Ezekiel 33:21-22

in the twelfth.This was on Wednesday, January 25, A.M. 3416 or 3417. According to the date here given, this escaped Jew did not come to the prophet, with intelligence of Jerusalem being smitten, till about eighteen months after the event; but instead of the "twelfth year," eight MSS. and the Syriac read the eleventh.




The city.This was the very message which God had promised to the prophet.

24:26; 2Ki 24:4-7; 2Ch 36:17-21; Jer 39:2-8; 52:4-14

the hand.

1:3; 3:22; 37:1; 40:1

and my.

3:26,27; 24:26,27
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