1 Samuel 7:12

took a stone.

Ge 28:18,19; 31:45-52; 35:14; Jos 4:9,20-24; 24:26,27; Isa 19:19

Ebenezer. that is, The stone of help.

4:1; 5:1; Ge 22:14; Ex 17:15


Ps 71:6,17; Isa 46:3,4; Ac 26:22; 2Co 1:10

Psalms 71:5-6

For thou.

13:5; 39:7; 42:11; 119:81,166; Jer 17:7,13,17; Ro 15:13

my trust.

17; 22:9,10; 1Sa 16:13; 17:33-37,45-47; Ec 12:1; Lu 2:40; 2Ti 3:15

By thee.

22:9,10; Pr 8:17; Isa 46:3,4; Jer 3:4

thou art.

139:15,16; 145:1,2; Isa 49:1,5; Jer 1:5; Lu 1:31,32; Ga 1:15

my praise.

14; 34:1; Eph 5:20

Psalms 71:17-18

thou hast.

5; 119:9,102


66:16; 1Sa 17:36,37; 2Sa 4:9; 22:1-51; 1Ch 16:4-36


9; Ge 27:1; 1Sa 4:15,18; Isa 46:4

when I am old and grey-headed. Heb. until old age and greyhairs. until I.

78:4,6; 145:4,5; Ex 13:8,14-17; 1Ch 29:10-30; Ac 13:36

strength. Heb. arm.

Isa 51:9; 53:1

Isaiah 46:3-4


44:1,21; 48:1,17,18; 51:1,7; Ps 81:8-13

the remnant.

1:9; 10:22; 11:11; 37:4


44:1,2; 49:1,2; 63:9; Ex 19:4; De 1:31; 32:11,12; Ps 22:9,10; 71:6

Eze 16:6-16

even to your.

41:4; 43:13,25; Ps 92:14; 102:26,27; Mal 2:16; 3:6; Ro 11:29

Heb 1:12; 13:8; Jas 1:17

even to hoar.

Ps 48:14; 71:18

2 Corinthians 1:9-10

sentence. or, answer. that.

3:5; 4:7; 12:7-10; Job 40:14; Ps 22:29; 44:5-7; Pr 28:26; Jer 9:23,24

Jer 17:5-7; Eze 33:13; Lu 18:9

in God.

4:13,14; Eze 37:1-14; Ro 4:17-25; Heb 11:19

1Sa 7:12; 17:37; Job 5:17-22; Ps 34:19; Isa 46:3; Ac 26:21; 2Ti 4:17

2Pe 2:9

2 Timothy 4:17-18

the Lord.

Ps 37:39,40; 109:31; Jer 15:20,21; 20:10,11; Mt 10:19; Ac 18:9,10

Ac 23:11; 27:23,24


Isa 41:10,14; 2Co 12:9


Lu 21:15; Ac 9:15; 26:17,18; Ro 16:25,26; Eph 3:8; Php 1:12-14

and I.

Ps 22:21; Pr 20:2; 28:15; Jer 2:30; Da 6:22,27; Heb 11:33; 1Pe 5:8

2Pe 2:9


Ge 48:16; 1Sa 25:39; 1Ch 4:10; Ps 121:7; Mt 6:13; Lu 11:4; Joh 17:15

1Co 10:13; 2Co 1:10; 2Th 3:3

and will.

1:12; Ps 37:28; 73:24; 92:10; Mt 13:43; 25:34; Lu 12:32; 22:29

Joh 10:28-30; 1Th 5:23; Jas 2:5; 1Pe 1:5; Jude 1:1,24

to whom.

Ro 11:36; 16:27; Ga 1:5; 1Ti 1:17; 6:16; Heb 13:21; 1Pe 5:11; Jude 1:25
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