2 Chronicles 1:11-15

Because.This does not occur in Kings: and it implies that the request of Solomon, as arising from a spiritual judgment and heart, was peculiarly acceptable to that God who searches, regards, and demands the heart. God promised Solomon all the things which he had not asked, except the life of his enemies; for he was to be a peaceable king, a type of the Prince of peace.

this was.

1Sa 16:7; 1Ki 3:11-13; 8:18; 1Ch 28:2; 29:17,18; Pr 23:7; Ac 5:4

Heb 4:12

that thou mayest.

1Ki 3:28; Pr 14:8; Jas 3:13,17

I will give.

Mt 6:33; Eph 3:20

such as none.

9:22; 1Ch 29:25; Ec 2:9; Jas 1:5

at Gibeon.



1Ki 4:24,25


9:25; De 17:16; 1Ki 4:26; 10:16,26-29

the chariot cities.Cities where the chariots, and horses belonging to them, were kept.

the king.He destroyed its value by making it so exceedingly plentiful.

12; 9:27; 1Ki 10:27-29; Job 22:24,25; Isa 60:17

made. Heb. gave. sycamore trees.

9:27; Isa 9:10; Am 7:14

2 Chronicles 17:5

A.M. 3091. B.C. 913. the Lord.

2Sa 7:25,26; 1Ki 9:4,5; Ps 127:1; 132:12; 1Pe 5:10

brought. Heb. gave. presents.

32:23; 1Sa 10:27; 1Ki 4:21; 10:25; Ps 68:29; 72:10; 76:11; Mt 2:11

he had riches.

1:15; 9:27; 18:1; 32:27-29; Ge 13:2; 26:13,14; De 8:13,14; 1Ki 10:27

Job 42:12; Mt 6:33

2 Chronicles 17:12

A.M. 3092-3115. B.C. 912-889. waxed great.

18:1; 1Ch 29:25

in Judah.

8:2-6; 11:5-12; 14:6,7; 26:6-9; 27:4; 32:5,27-29

castles. or, palaces.

Matthew 6:33


1Ki 3:11-13; 17:13; 2Ch 1:7-12; 31:20,21; Pr 2:1-9; 3:9,10

Hag 1:2-11; 2:16-19; Lu 12:31; Joh 6:27

the kingdom.

3:2; 4:17; 13:44-46; Ac 20:25; 28:31; Ro 14:17; Col 1:13,14

2Th 1:5; 2Pe 1:11


5:6; Isa 45:24; Jer 23:6; Lu 1:6; Ro 1:17; 3:21,22; 10:3; 1Co 1:30

2Co 5:21; Php 3:9; 2Pe 1:1

and all.

19:29; Le 25:20,21; Ps 34:9,10; 37:3,18,19,25; 84:11,12

Mr 10:30; Lu 18:29,30; Ro 8:31; 1Co 3:22; 1Ti 4:8
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