2 Chronicles 10:17

But as for.

11:1; 1Ki 11:36; 12:17

2 Chronicles 11:11-17

he fortified.

Isa 22:10,11


23; 17:19

he put shields.

26:14,15; 32:5; 2Sa 13:19,22

having Judah.


A.M. 3030. B.C. 974. resorted to him. Heb. presentedthemselves to him.



Nu 35:2-5; Jos 21:20-42; 1Ch 6:66-81

their possession.

Le 27:30-34; Nu 18:21-28


13:9; 1Ki 12:28-33; 13:33

for the devils.The word, {seïrim} literally signifies hairy ones, or goats: see Note on Le 17:7.

De 32:17; 1Co 10:20,21; 1Ti 4:1; Re 16:14

for the calves.

Ex 32:4-8,31; 1Ki 12:28; 14:9; Ps 106:19,20; Ho 8:5,6; 13:2

And after.

15:9; 30:11,18,19; Jos 22:19; Ps 84:5-7


Ex 9:21; *marg:

De 32:46; 1Sa 7:3,4; 1Ch 22:19; Job 34:14; Ps 62:10; 108:1; Da 6:14

Ho 4:8; Hag 1:5; *marg:

Ac 11:23

to sacrifice.

De 12:5,6,11,13,14; 1Ch 16:29; 22:1

A.M. 3029-3032. B.C. 975-972. strengthened.


three years.

1:1-12; 7:17-19; 8:13-16; Ho 6:4; Mt 13:20,21

2 Chronicles 15:9

the strangers.

11:16; 30:1-11,25

they fell.

1Ki 12:19; 1Ch 12:19

they saw.

Ge 39:3; 1Sa 18:28; 1Ki 3:28; Zec 8:21-23; Ac 7:9,10; 9:31

2 Chronicles 30:11-18

divers of Asher.It has been said, that Hezekiah had no right to invite Hoshea's subjects to repair to Jerusalem to his passover; but it may be presumed, that he was encouraged to do this by Hoshea himself, who was one of their best kings; besides which, both the golden calves having been taken away by the Assyrians, the apostate Israelites, being thus deprived of idols, had begun to return to the Lord, and to go up to Jerusalem to worship, some time before Hezekiah gave them this invitation.

18,21; 11:16; Ac 17:34

humbled themselves.

12:6,7,12; 33:12,19,23; 34:27; Ex 10:3; Le 26:41; Da 5:22; Lu 14:11

Lu 18:14; Jas 4:10; 1Pe 5:6

the hand of God.

29:36; 1Ch 29:18,19; Ezr 7:27; Ps 110:3; Jer 24:7; 32:39; Eze 36:26

Php 2:13; 2Th 2:13,14

the commandment.

De 4:2,5,6; 1Th 4:2

by the word.

29:25; Ac 4:19

there assembled.

Ps 84:7

the second month.



28:24; 34:4,7; 2Ki 18:22; 23:12,13; Isa 2:18-20

the brook.

15:16; 29:16; 2Sa 15:23; Joh 18:1


were ashamed.

29:34; Eze 16:61-63; 43:10,11

and sanctified.

24; 5:11; 29:15,34; 31:18; Ex 19:10,22

they stood.


place. Heb. standing. after their manner.

2Ki 11:14


De 33:1

the priests.

35:10,11; Le 1:5; Heb 11:28

the Levites.

29:34; 35:3-6

the killing.

Ex 12:6

many of Ephraim.


had not cleansed.

Nu 9:10-14; 19:20; 1Co 11:28

the passover.

Ex 12:43-51


Ge 20:7,17; Job 42:8,9; Jas 5:15,16; 1Jo 5:16

The good.

6:21; Ex 34:6-9; Nu 14:18-20; Ps 25:8; 36:5; 86:5; 119:68; Da 9:19
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