2 Chronicles 16:14

his own sepulchres.

35:24; Isa 22:16; Joh 19:41,42

made. Heb. digged. sweet odours.

Ge 50:2; Mr 16:1; Joh 19:39,40

the apothecaries' art.

Ex 30:25-37; Ec 10:1

a very great.

21:19; Jer 34:5

Mark 14:8

hath done."It appears to me more probable," says Dr. Doddridge, "that Matthew and Mark should have introduced this story out of its place--that Lazarus, if he made this feast (which is not expressly said by John,) should have made use of Simon's house, as more convenient--and that Mary should have poured this ointment on Christ's head and body, as well as on his feet,--than that, within the compass of four days, Christ should have been twice anointed with so costly a perfume; and that the same fault should be found with the action, and the same value set upon the ointment, and the same words used in defence of the woman, and all this in the presence of many of the same persons; all which improbable particulars must be admitted, if the stories be considered as different." The rebuke which Judas received from Christ at this unction determined him in his resolution to betray his Master; and therefore Christ's rebuke, and Judas's revenge, are united, as cause and effect, by Matthew and Mark.

1Ch 28:2,3; 29:1-17; 2Ch 31:20,21; 34:19-33; Ps 110:3; 2Co 8:1-3,12

she is.

15:42-47; 16:1; Lu 23:53-56; 24:1-3; Joh 12:7; 19:32-42

Mark 16:1

1 An Angel declares the resurrection of Christ to three women.

9 Christ himself appears to Mary Magdalene;

12 to two going into the country;

14 then to the apostles;

15 whom he sends forth to preach the gospel;

19 and ascends into heaven.


15:42; Mt 28:1-10; Lu 23:54,56; 24:1-12; Joh 19:31; 20:1-10

Mary Magdalene.

15:40,47; Lu 24:10; Joh 19:25


14:3,8; 2Ch 16:14; Joh 19:40

Luke 23:56


24:1; 2Ch 16:14; Mr 16:1


Ex 20:8-10; 31:14; 35:2,3; Isa 58:13,14; Jer 17:24,25

Luke 24:1

1 Christ's resurrection is declared by two angels to the women that come to the sepulchre.

9 These report it to others.

13 Christ himself appears to the two disciples that went to Emmaus;

36 afterwards he appears to the apostles, and reproves their unbelief;

47 gives them a charge;

49 promises the Holy Ghost;

50 and so ascends into heaven.


Mt 28:1; Mr 16:1,2; Joh 20:1,2

they came.

10; 8:2,3; 23:55,56; Mt 27:55,56; Mr 15:40

John 12:7


Ps 109:31; Zec 3:2; Mt 26:10; Mr 14:6


19:38-42; Mt 26:12; 27:57-60; Mr 15:42-47; Lu 23:50

John 19:39-40


3:1-21; 7:50-52; Mt 12:20; 19:30


12:7; 2Ch 16:14; So 4:6,14


11:44; 20:5-7; Ac 5:6
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