2 Chronicles 20:34

the rest.

12:15; 13:22; 16:11

book. Heb. words. Jehu the son of Hanani.

19:2; 1Ki 16:1,7

is mentioned. Heb. was made to ascend.

2 Chronicles 26:22-23


9:29; 12:15


Isa 1:1; 6:1

A.M. 3246. B.C. 758. slept.

2Ki 15:6,7

they buried him.

18; 21:20; 28:27; 33:20

2 Chronicles 32:32-33

A.M. 3278-3306. B.C. 726-698. goodness. Heb. kindnesses.


in the vision.

Isa 36:1-39:8

in the book.

2Ki 18:1-20:21


1Ki 1:21; 2:10; 11:43

chiefest. or, highest. did him.

16:14; Ge 50:10,11; Nu 20:29; De 34:8; 1Sa 2:30; 25:1; Pr 10:7

And Manasseh.

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