2 Chronicles 7:21-22

this house.

1Ki 9:8


29:8; Jer 19:8; 49:17; 50:13


De 29:24-28; 1Ki 9:8,9; Jer 5:19; 13:22; 16:10-12; 22:8,9,28

Because they forsook.

Jud 2:12,13; Jer 1:16; La 2:16,17; 4:13-15; Eze 14:23; 36:17-20


36:17; Da 9:12

Jeremiah 22:8-9

De 29:23-25; 1Ki 9:8,9; 2Ch 7:20-22; La 2:15-17; 4:12; Da 9:7

2:17-19; 40:2,3; 50:7; De 29:25-28; 2Ki 22:17; 2Ch 34:25

Jeremiah 40:2-3

The Lord.

22:8,9; De 29:24-28; 1Ki 9:8,9; 2Ch 7:20-22; La 2:15-17


50:7; Ne 9:28,33; Da 9:11,12; Ro 2:5; 3:19

Lamentations 1:8


5,20; 1Ki 8:46,47; 9:7,9; Isa 59:2-13; Jer 6:28; Eze 14:13-21

Eze 22:2-15

removed. Heb. become a removing, or wandering.

Jer 15:4; 24:9; 34:17; Eze 23:46; *marg:


4:15,16; 5:12-16; 1Sa 2:30


4:21; Isa 47:3; Jer 13:22,26; Eze 16:37-39; 23:29; Ho 2:3,10

Re 3:18

she sigheth.

4,11,21,22; 2:10; Jer 4:31

Lamentations 2:15-17

The combination of scorn, enmity, rage, and exultation, which the conquerors and spectators manifested at the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple, are here described with peculiar pathos and energy. The whole scene is presented to view as in an exquisitely finished historical painting.

that pass.

De 29:22-28; 1Ki 9:7-9; 2Ch 7:21; Jer 18:16

by. Heb. by the way. clap.

1:8; Job 27:22,23; Eze 25:6; Na 3:19


16; Jer 19:8; 25:9,18; 29:18; 51:37; Mic 6:16; Zep 2:15


2Ki 19:21; Ps 22:7; 44:14,15; Isa 37:22; Jer 18:16; Mt 27:39

Mr 15:29

Is this.

6; Ps 48:2; 50:2; Isa 64:11


3:46; Job 16:9,10; Ps 22:13; 35:21; 109:2


Ps 35:16; 37:12; 112:10; Ac 7:54

We have swallowed.

Ps 56:2; 57:3; 124:3; Isa 49:19; Jer 50:7,17; 51:34; Eze 25:3,6,15

Eze 36:3; Ho 8:8; Zep 2:8-10

we have seen.

Ps 35:21; 41:8; Ob 1:12-16


8; Le 26:14-46; De 28:15-68; 29:18-23; 31:16,17; 32:15-27

Jer 18:11; Mic 2:3

he hath thrown.

1,2; Eze 5:11; 7:8,9; 8:18; 9:10

he hath caused.

1:5; De 28:43,44; Ps 38:16; 89:42

Ezekiel 36:18-23

I poured.

7:8; 14:19; 21:31; 2Ch 34:21,26; Isa 42:25; Jer 7:20; 44:6; La 2:4

La 4:11; Na 1:6; Re 14:10; 16:1-21

for the.

16:36-38; 23:37

I scattered.

5:12; 22:15; Le 26:38; De 28:64; Am 9:9

according to their way.

7:3,8; 18:30; 22:31; 39:24; Ro 2:6; Re 20:12-15

they profaned.The Jews, when thus scattered, appeared to them an abject and wretched company of people. They were recognized as the worshippers of Jehovah wherever they went; but they were looked upon as a viler and more worthless race than any of the idolaters among whom they were driven. Many would ascribe their wickedness to the tendency of their religion, which they abhorred, and not to their having acted inconsistently with it; and regard their miseries, not as the punishment of their sins, but as proofs of God's inability to protect them. This profanation of his holy name, Jehovah was determined to wipe away, by shewing mercy unto them.

Isa 52:5; Ro 2:24


Ex 32:11-13; Nu 14:15,16; Jos 7:9; 2Ki 18:30,35; 19:10-12

Jer 33:24; Da 3:15

20:9,14,22; De 32:26,27; Ps 74:18; Isa 37:35; 48:9

32; De 7:7,8; 9:5-7; Ps 106:8; 115:1,2


20:41; 38:22,23; Nu 20:12,13; Ps 46:10; Isa 5:16; 1Pe 3:15

and the heathen.

39:28; Ex 15:4-16; Ps 102:13-16; 126:1-3; Da 2:47; 3:28,29; 4:2,3

Da 4:34-37; 6:26,27

when I shall.

28:22; 1Pe 2:9

their. or, your.

Ezekiel 36:36


17:24; 34:30; 37:28; 39:27-29; Mic 7:15-17

I the Lord have.

22:14; 24:14; 37:14; Nu 23:19; Ho 14:4-9; Mt 24:35
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