2 Chronicles 8:2-6

the cities.

1Ki 9:11-18


Nu 13:21; 34:8; 2Sa 8:3; 1Ki 11:23-25; 1Ch 18:3

he built.

1Ki 9:17-19

Tadmor.Tadmor, the Palmyra of the Greeks, as we learn from Josephus, a celebrated city of Syria, situated in an oasis, or fertile spot of land, surrounded on all sides by a vast sandy desert, like an island in the midst of the ocean; according to Pliny, 337 miles from Seleucia and Tigrim, 203 from the nearest part of the Mediterranean, and 176 from Damascus; according to Josephus, one day's journey west of the Euphrates, and six from Babylon; and according to Ptolemy, in lat. 34 degrees north, or that of Tripoli, and about 4 degrees more easterly; and it is described by Mr. Wood as "situated under a barren ridge of hills to the west, and open on the other sides to the desert:" "about six days' journey from Aleppo, and as much from Damascus, and about twenty leagues west of the Euphrates." Palmyra attained the height of its splendour when the royal city of Zenobia was conquered by the emperor Aurelian; became a Roman colony after the victories of Trajan; and was probably reduced to its present miserable state in the wars of the Saracens. Its magnificent ruins, however, scattered over an extent of several miles, sufficiently attest its former splendour and riches.


Jos 16:3,5; 1Ch 7:24


Jos 19:44; 1Ki 9:18

the store cities.

4; 17:12; 1Ki 9:19

chariot cities.

1:14; 1Ki 10:26

all that Solomon desired to build. Heb. all the desire ofSolomon which he desired to build.

1Ki 9:19; Ec 2:4,10-26

and in Lebanon.

1Ki 7:2; So 4:8

2 Chronicles 11:5-12

A.M. 3029-3032. B.C. 975-972. built.

8:2-6; 14:6,7; 16:6; 17:12; 26:6; 27:4; Isa 22:8-11

Beth-lehem.Bethlehem, called Bethlehem Judah (Jud 17:7,) to distinguish it from another Bethlehem in Zebulun, (Jos 19:15,) and also Ephratah, (i.e., fruitful,) and by the Arabs, Bait-el-lahm, is situated on a rising ground on the southern side of a deep and extensive valley, and reclining from E. to W. not quite six miles S. of Jerusalem.

Ge 35:19; 1Sa 17:12; Mt 2:5,6


Jud 15:8; 1Ch 4:32


20:20; 2Sa 14:2; Ne 3:5,27; Jer 6:1; Am 1:1


Jos 15:58


Jos 15:35

Socoh. Adullam.

Jos 12:15; 15:35; 1Sa 22:1; 2Sa 23:13; Mic 1:15


1Ch 18:1


Jos 15:44


Jos 15:24; 1Sa 23:14,19; Ps 54:1; *title


32:9; Jos 10:5,11; 15:35,39


Jos 15:33


Jos 19:41,42

Ajalon. Hebron.

Ge 23:2; Nu 13:22; Jos 14:14; 20:7; 2Sa 2:11

he fortified.

Isa 22:10,11


23; 17:19

he put shields.

26:14,15; 32:5; 2Sa 13:19,22

having Judah.


2 Chronicles 14:6-7

And he built.

8:2-6; 11:5-12

for the land.

Jud 3:11,30; 5:31; 1Ki 5:4; 1Ch 22:9

the Lord.

15:15; Jos 23:1; Job 34:29; Ps 46:9


32:5; Ac 9:31

while the land.

Joh 9:4; 12:35,36; Heb 3:13-15

we have sought.

4; 1Ch 28:9; Ps 105:3,4; Jer 29:12-14; 1Pe 3:12

and he hath given.

6; Jos 23:1; Mt 11:28,29

2 Chronicles 26:6-9

warred against.

21:16; Isa 14:29

the wall of Gath.

2Sa 8:1; 1Ch 18:1

Jabneh.Jabneh, or Jamnia, was given to the tribe of Dan; and was situated between Lydda and Azotus. It is now called Yebna, and is described as "a village about twelve miles distant from Jaffa, (Joppa,) in a fine open plain, surrounded by hills, and covered by herbage. On sloping hills of easy ascent, by which the plains were bordered, Yebna, Ekron, Ashdod, and Askalon were in sight."

about. or, in the country of.

1Sa 5:1,6

God helped.

14:11; 1Ch 5:20; 12:18; Ps 18:29,34,35; Isa 14:29; Ac 26:22

the Arabians.

17:11; 21:16

the Ammonites.

20:1; Ge 19:38; De 2:19; Jud 11:15-18; 1Sa 11:1; 2Sa 8:2

his name.

Ge 12:2; 2Sa 8:13; 1Ki 4:31; Mt 4:24

spread. Heb. went.

the corner gate.

25:23; 2Ki 14:13; Jer 31:38; Zec 14:10

the valley gate.

Ne 3:13,19,32

the turning.

Ne 3:20,24

fortified. or, repaired.

2 Chronicles 27:4

he built cities.

11:5-10; 14:7; 26:9,10

the mountains.

Jos 14:12,13; Lu 1:39

castles and towers.These castles and towers he doubtless built built for the protection of the country people against marauders.

2 Chronicles 32:5

he strengthened.

12:1; 14:5-7; 17:1,2; 23:1; 26:8; Isa 22:9,10

that was broken.


another wall.

2Ki 25:4; Jer 39:4


Jud 9:6; 2Sa 5:9; 1Ki 9:24; 11:27; 2Ki 12:20

darts. or, swords, or weapons.


2 Chronicles 32:27-29

A.M. 3278-3306. B.C. 726-698. exceeding much.

1:12; 9:27; 17:5; Pr 10:22


1Ch 27:25-31

pleasant jewels. Heb. instruments of desire.




1Ki 4:26


2Sa 7:8


26:10; Ge 13:2-6; 1Ch 27:29-31; Job 1:3,9; 42:12


25:9; De 8:18; 1Sa 2:7; 1Ch 29:12; Pr 10:22; 1Ti 6:17,18
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