2 Kings 12:13

there were not.That is, there were no vessels made for the service of the temple till all the outward repairs were completed; but, when this was done, "they brought the rest of the money before the king and Jehoiada, whereof were made vessels of gold and silver," (2 Ch 24:14,) to replace those which had been taken away by Athaliah and her sons.

2Ch 24:14


Nu 7:13,14; 1Ki 7:48-50; Ezr 1:9-11


Nu 10:2

2 Chronicles 5:12

the Levites.

29:25; 1Ch 15:16-22; 16:4-6,41,42; 23:5,30; 25:1-7; Ezr 3:10,11


1Ch 6:33,39; 25:6; Ps 50:1; 62:1; 88:1; *titles


1Ch 15:27; Re 15:6; 19:8


Ps 92:3; 149:3; 150:3-5

and hundred.

Nu 10:1-5; Jos 6:6-20; 1Ch 15:24; 16:6; Ps 68:25
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