2 Kings 15:29

Tiglath-pileser.Some suppose Tiglath-pileser to be the son of Sardanapalus: but the learned Prideaux makes him the same as Arbaces the Mede, called by Ælian, Thelgamus, and by Castor, Ninus Junior, who, with Belesis, headed the conspiracy against Sardanapalus, and fixed his royal seat at Nineveh, as Belesis, called in Scripture Baladan (Is 39:1), did his at Babylon. He reigned nineteen years, from A.M. 3257 to A.M. 3276.

16:7; 1Ch 5:6,26; 2Ch 28:20,21


Isa 9:1


1Ki 15:20; 2Ch 16:4


2Sa 20:14,15


Jos 16:6

Janohah. Kedesh.

Jos 19:37; 20:7


Jos 11:1,10,13; 12:19; Jud 4:2


Nu 32:1,40; De 3:15; Am 1:3,13


Jos 20:7; 1Ki 9:11; Isa 9:1,2; Mt 4:15,16

carried them.

17:6,23; Le 26:32,38,39; De 4:26,27; 28:25,64,65; Isa 1:7; 7:20

2 Kings 17:3-5

Shalmaneser.This was the son and successor of Tiglath-pileser: he reigned 14 years, from A.M. 3276 to 3290.

18:9; Ho 10:14

Shalman. king of Assyria.

15:19,29; 16:7; 18:13; 19:36,37; Isa 7:7,8; 10:5,6,11,12

and Hoshea.

16:8; 18:14-16,31

gave. Heb. rendered. presents. or, tribute.

2Sa 8:2,6

A.M. 3279. B.C. 725. found conspiracy.

24:1,20; Eze 17:13-19

king of Egypt.

18:21; Isa 30:1-4; 31:1-3; Eze 17:15



bound him.

25:7; 2Ch 32:11; Ps 149:7,8

A.M. 3281-3283. B.C. 723-721. the king.


three years.

25:1-3; Jer 52:4,5

2 Kings 18:9-15

A.M. 3281. B.C. 723. the fourth year.

1; 17:4-6


17:3-23; Ho 10:14


A.M. 3283. B.C. 721. they took it.

Ho 13:16; Am 3:11-15; 4:1-3; 6:7; 9:1-4; Mic 1:6-9; 6:16; 7:13

the king.

17:6; 19:11; 1Ch 5:26; Isa 7:8; 8:4; 9:9-21; 10:5,11; 37:12; Ho 8:8,9

Ho 9:3; Am 5:1-3,6,25-27; Ac 7:43

Halah.It is thought, with much probability, that Halah, or Chalach, is Ptolemy's Calachene, the northern part of Assyria; that Habor, or Chabor, is the mountain or mountainous country, between Media and Assyria, called by Ptolemy, [Chaboras,] Chaboras; and that Gozan is Gauzanitis of Ptolemy, situated between that mountain and the Caspian sea, and between the two channels of the river Cyrus.

they obeyed not.

17:7-23; De 8:20; 11:28; 29:24-28; 31:17; Ne 9:17,26,27; Ps 107:17

Isa 1:19; Jer 3:8; 7:23; Da 9:6-11; Mic 3:4; 2Th 1:8; 1Pe 2:8; 4:17


Nu 12:7; De 34:5; Jos 1:1; 2Ti 2:24; Heb 3:5,6

A.M. 3291. B.C. 713. the fourteenth.

2Ch 32:1-23; Isa 36:1-22

Sennacherib. Heb. Sanherib. come up.

Isa 7:17-25; 8:7,8; 10:5; Ho 12:1,2

I have offended.

7; 1Ki 20:4; Pr 29:25; Lu 14:32

12:18; 16:8; 1Ki 15:15,18,19; 2Ch 16:2

2 Kings 19:32-35

He shall not come.

Isa 8:7-10; 10:24,25,28-32; 37:33-35

cast a bank.

2Sa 20:15; Eze 21:22; Lu 19:43,44

By the way.


I will defend.

20:6; Ps 46:5,6; 48:2-8; Isa 31:5; 38:6

for mine.

De 32:27; Isa 43:25; 48:9,11; Eze 36:22; Eph 1:6,14

my servant.

1Ki 11:12,13; 15:4; Isa 9:7; Jer 23:5,6; 33:21,26

that night.

Ex 12:29; Da 5:30; 1Th 5:2,3

the angel.

Ex 12:29,30; 2Sa 24:16; 1Ch 21:12,16; 2Ch 32:21,22; Ps 35:5,6

Ac 12:23

and smote.

Isa 10:16-19,33; 30:30-33; 37:36; Ho 1:7

when they arose.

Ex 12:30; Ps 76:5-7,10

2 Chronicles 33:11

A.M. 3327. B.C. 677. the Lord.

De 28:36; Job 36:8

the captains.

Isa 10:8; 36:9

of the king. Heb. which were the king's.

Ne 9:32,37; Isa 5:26-30; 7:18-20

among the thorns.The word {bachochim} may possibly her signify with fetters or chains, as the kindred word {chachim} denotes, Eze 19:4, 9. The Syriac and Arabic have alive, probably reading {bechayim}.

1Sa 13:6; La 3:7

bound him.

2Ki 23:33; 25:6; Job 36:8-11; Ps 107:10-14

fetters. or, chains.

Isaiah 10:5-12

O Assyrian. or, Woe to the Assyrian. Heb. O Asshur.

Ge 10:11

the rod.

15; 8:4; 14:5,6; Ps 17:14; 125:3; Jer 51:20-24

and. or, though.


9:17; 19:17; 29:13; 30:9-11; 33:14; Jer 3:10; 4:14; Mt 15:7

will I give.

13,14; 37:26,27; 41:25; 45:1-5; Jer 25:9; 34:22; 47:6,7

tread them. Heb. lay them a treading.

22:5; 63:3,6; 2Sa 22:43; Mic 7:10; Zec 10:5

he meaneth.

Ge 50:20; Mic 4:11,12; Ac 2:23; 13:27-30

in his heart.

36:18-20; 37:11-13

36:8; 2Ki 18:24; 19:10; Eze 26:7; Da 2:37


Am 6:1,2



2Ch 35:20; Jer 46:2


36:19; 37:13; 2Sa 8:9; 2Ki 17:24; Jer 49:23


7:8; 17:3; 2Ki 16:9; 17:5,6; 18:9,10

the kingdoms.

14; 2Ki 18:33-35; 19:12,13,17-19; 2Ch 32:12-16,19

as I have.

36:19,20; 37:10-13

when the Lord.

5,6; 14:24-27; 27:9; 46:10,11; Ps 76:10; 1Pe 4:17

I will.

16-19,25-34; 17:12-14; 29:7,8; 30:30-33; 31:5-9; 37:36-38; 50:11

Jer 50:18

punish the fruit of the stout heart. Heb. visit upon thefruit of the greatness of the heart.

9:9; Job 40:11,12; Ps 21:10; Mt 12:33; 15:19

the glory.

2:11; 5:15; Ps 18:27; Pr 30:13; Eze 31:10,14; Da 4:37
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