2 Kings 17:11-23


1Ki 13:1; 2Ch 28:25; Jer 44:17

to provoke.

21:6; Ps 78:56-58


Ex 20:3-5; 34:14; Le 26:1; De 4:19; 5:7-9

Ye shall not.

De 4:15-19,23-25; 12:4


De 8:19; 31:21; Ne 9:29,30; Ps 50:7; 81:8,9; Jer 42:19; Ac 20:21

and against.

2Ch 36:15,16; Jer 3:8-11; Ho 4:15

all. Heb. the hand of all.

De 4:26; Jos 23:16; Jud 6:10; 10:11-14; 1Sa 12:7-15

Isa 1:5-15,21-24; Jer 5:29-31; Zec 1:3-6


1Sa 9:9; 1Ch 29:29

Turn ye.

Isa 1:16-20; 55:6,7; Jer 7:3-7; 18:11; 25:4,5; 35:15; Eze 18:31

Ho 14:1; 2Pe 3:9


Jer 7:22,23; 26:4-6

but hardened.

De 31:27; 2Ch 36:13; Pr 29:1; Isa 48:4; Jer 7:26; Ro 2:4,5

Heb 3:7,8

did not believe.

De 1:32; Ps 78:22,32; 106:24; Heb 3:12

they rejected.

Jer 8:9

his covenant.

Ex 24:6-8; De 29:10-15,25,26; Jer 31:32


De 6:17,18; 2Ch 36:15,16; Ne 9:26,29,30; Jer 44:4,23


De 32:21,31; 1Sa 12:21; 1Ki 16:13; Ps 115:8; Jer 10:8,15; Joh 2:8

became vain.

Jer 2:5; Ro 1:21-23; 1Co 8:4

concerning whom.

8,11,12; De 12:30,31; 2Ch 33:2,9

molten images.

Ex 32:4,8; 1Ki 12:28; Ps 106:18-20; Isa 44:9,10

a grove.

10; 1Ki 14:15,23; 15:13; 16:33


De 4:19; Jer 8:2


10:18-28; 11:18; 1Ki 16:31; 22:53

they caused.

16:3; 21:6; Le 18:21; 2Ch 28:3; Ps 106:37,38; Eze 20:26,31

Eze 23:37,39


21:6; De 18:10-12; 2Ch 33:6; Isa 8:19; 47:9,12,13; Jer 27:9

Mic 5:12; Ac 16:16; Ga 5:26


1Ki 21:20,25; Isa 50:1

in the sight.

11; 21:6


13:23; 23:27; De 29:20-28; 32:21-26; Jos 23:13,15; Jer 15:1; Ho 9:3

the tribe.

1Ki 11:13,32,36; 12:20; Ho 11:12

Also Judah.

1Ki 14:22,23; 2Ch 21:11,13; Jer 2:28; 3:8-11; Eze 16:51,52

Eze 22:2-16; 23:4-13


8:18,27; 16:3


15; 1Sa 15:23,26; 16:1; Jer 6:30; Ro 11:1,2

all the seed.

1Ch 16:13; Ne 9:2; Isa 45:25; Jer 31:36,37; 33:24-26; 46:28


13:3,7; 15:18-20,29; 18:9; 2Ch 28:5,6; Ne 9:27,28

until he had cast.

18; De 11:12; Jon 1:3,10; Mt 25:41; 2Th 1:9

For he rent.

1Ki 11:11,31; 14:8; Isa 7:17

they made.

1Ki 12:19,20; 2Ch 10:15-19

Jeroboam drave.

1Ki 12:20,28-30; 14:16; 2Ch 11:11,15

a great sin.

Ge 20:9; Ex 32:21; 1Sa 2:17,24; Ps 25:11; Joh 19:11

walked in all the sins.

3:3; 10:29,31; 13:2,6,11; 15:9

the Lord.


as he had said.

13; 1Ki 13:2; 14:16; Ho 1:4-9; Am 5:27; Mic 1:6

So was Israel.

6; 18:11,12

2 Kings 18:12

they obeyed not.

17:7-23; De 8:20; 11:28; 29:24-28; 31:17; Ne 9:17,26,27; Ps 107:17

Isa 1:19; Jer 3:8; 7:23; Da 9:6-11; Mic 3:4; 2Th 1:8; 1Pe 2:8; 4:17


Nu 12:7; De 34:5; Jos 1:1; 2Ti 2:24; Heb 3:5,6

2 Kings 21:2

And he did.

7,16; 16:2-4; 22:17; 2Ch 33:2-4

after the abominations.

Le 18:25-29; De 12:31; 2Ch 36:14; Eze 16:51

2 Chronicles 13:9

cast out.


made you priests.

1Ki 12:31-33; 13:33

consecrated himself. Heb. fill his hand.

Ex 32:29; Le 16:32; 1Ch 29:5; *margins


Ex 29:1,35; Le 8:2

no gods.

De 32:17; 2Ki 19:18; Jer 2:11; Ho 8:6; Ac 19:26; Ga 4:8

2 Chronicles 28:3

burnt incense. or, offered sacrifice. the valley.

2Ki 23:10; Jer 7:31,32; 19:2-6,13


33:6; Le 18:21; 2Ki 16:3; Ps 106:37,38; Jer 2:34; 32:35

Eze 16:20,21; Mic 6:7

after the abominations.

33:2; De 12:31

2 Chronicles 33:2-9

like unto.

28:3; 36:14; Le 18:24-30; 20:22,23; De 12:31; 18:9,14

2Ki 17:11,15; 21:2,9; Ezr 9:14; Ps 106:35-40; Eze 11:12

he built again. Heb. he returned and built.

Ec 2:19; 9:18

which Hezekiah.

30:14; 31:1; 32:12; 2Ki 18:4; 21:3

he reared.

28:2-4; Jud 2:11-13

made groves.

De 16:21; 1Ki 14:23; Jer 17:2

the host.

De 4:19; 17:3; 2Ki 23:5,6,11; Jer 8:2; 19:13; Zep 1:5; Ac 7:42

he built.

15; 34:3,4; 2Ki 21:4,5; Jer 7:30

In Jerusalem.

6:6; 7:16; 32:19; De 12:11; 1Ki 8:29; 9:3

in the two.

4:9; Jer 32:34,35; Eze 8:7-18


28:3; Le 18:21; 20:2; De 12:31; 18:10; 2Ki 21:6; 23:10; Jer 7:31,32

Eze 23:37,39

he observed.

Le 19:26; 20:6; De 18:10-14; 1Sa 15:23; 2Ki 17:17; Isa 47:9-12

Ga 5:20


2Ki 21:6; 23:24; 1Ch 10:13; Isa 8:19; 19:3

he set a carved image.The Targumist says, "He set up an image, the likeness of himself, in the house of the sanctuary." In the parallel passage it is, "a graven image of the grove," or rather, Asherah or Astarte. Manasseh, as Bp. Patrick observes, seems to have studied to find out what God had forbidden in his law, that he might practice it: a most prodigious change from the height of piety in his father's time, into the sink of impiety in this!

in the house.

2Ki 21:7,8; 23:6

God had said.

4; 1Ki 8:29; Ps 132:13,14

which I have.

6:6; 1Ki 8:44,48; 11:13,32; Ps 78:68

will I.

2Sa 7:10; 1Ch 17:9

so that they.

7:17-22; De 28:1-14; 30:15-20; Isa 1:19,20; Eze 33:25,26

to do all.

De 4:40; 5:1,31-33; 6:1; 8:1; 27:26; Lu 1:6; Ga 3:10-13

by the hand.

Le 8:36; 10:11

made Judah.

1Ki 14:16; 15:26; 2Ki 21:16; 23:26; 24:3,4; Pr 29:12; Mic 6:16

to do worse.

2; 2Ki 21:9-11; Eze 16:45-47

the heathen.

Le 18:24; De 2:21; Jos 24:8; 2Ki 17:8-11

2 Chronicles 36:14

all the chief.

2Ki 16:10-16; Ezr 9:7; Jer 5:5; 37:13-15; 38:4; Eze 22:6,26-28

Da 9:6,8; Mic 3:1-4,9-11; 7:2; Zep 3:3,4

very much.

28:3; 33:9


33:4-7; Eze 8:5-16
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