2 Kings 18:26

Speak.Perceiving that the object of this blasphemous caitiff was to stir up the people to sedition, they mildly and reasonably required him to make his proposals in the Syrian language.

in the Syrian language.

Ezr 4:7; Isa 36:11,12; Da 2:4

2 Kings 18:37

with their clothes rent.

5:7; 22:11,19; Ge 37:29,34; Job 1:20; Isa 33:7; 36:21,22; Jer 36:24

Mt 26:65

Psalms 38:13-15

39:2,9; 2Sa 16:10-12; Isa 53:7; 1Pe 2:23

that heareth.

Am 5:13; Mic 7:5; Mr 15:3-5; Joh 8:6

in thee, etc. or, thee do I wait for. do.

39:7; 123:1-3

hear. or, answer.


Lord.Here also, instead of {adonay,} one hundred and two MSS. read {yehowah,} "Jehovah."

Psalms 39:1

1 David's care of this thoughts.

4 The consideration of the brevity and vanity of life;

7 the reverence of God's judgments,

10 and prayer, are his bridles of impatience.

A.M. 2970. B.C. 1034. (Title.) Jeduthun.Jeduthun, probably the same as Ethan, 1 Ch 6:44, was one of the sons of Merari, and is supposed to have been one the four masters of music, or leaders of bands, belonging to the temple service. It is therefore probable that David, having composed this Psalm, gave it to Jeduthun and his company to sing; and it is very likely, that it was written on the same occasion as the preceding.

62:1; 77:1; *titles

1Ch 16:41; 25:1-6

I said.

119:9; 1Ki 2:4; 2Ki 10:31; Pr 4:26,27; Heb 2:1

that I.

12:4; 73:8,9; 141:3; Pr 18:21; 21:23

my mouth, etc. Heb. a bridle, or muzzle, for my mouth.

Jas 1:26; 3:2-8


Am 5:13; Mic 7:5,6; Col 4:5

Proverbs 9:7

15:12; Ge 19:8,9; 1Ki 18:17; 21:20; 22:24,27; 2Ch 24:20-22

2Ch 25:15,16; 36:16

Proverbs 26:4

17:14; Jud 12:1-6; 2Sa 19:41-43; 1Ki 12:14,16; 2Ki 14:8-10

1Pe 2:21-23; 3:9; Jude 1:9

Amos 5:13

the prudent.

6:10; Ec 3:7; Isa 36:21; Ho 4:4; Mic 7:5-7; Mt 27:12-14

an evil.

Ec 9:12; Isa 37:3; Mic 2:3; Hab 3:16; Zep 2:2,3; Eph 5:15,16; 6:13

2Ti 3:1

Matthew 7:6


10:14,15; 15:26; Pr 9:7,8; 23:9; 26:11; Ac 13:45-47; Php 3:2

Heb 6:6; 10:29; 2Pe 2:22


Pr 11:22


22:5,6; 24:10; 2Co 11:26; 2Ti 4:14,15
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