2 Kings 18:5


19:10; 2Ch 32:7,8; Job 13:15; Ps 13:5; 27:1,2; 46:1,2; 84:12

Ps 146:5,6; Jer 17:7,8; Mt 27:43; Eph 1:12

after him.

19:15-19; 23:25; 2Ch 14:11; 16:7-9; 20:20,35

2 Kings 18:19-37

Rab-shakeh.He was the chief speaker, being a very eloquent man, and, according to the Hebrews, whom Procopius follows, an apostate Jew; which is not improbable, as he spoke Hebrew so fluently; and when he blasphemed the Divine Majesty, the king and nobles rent their clothes, which was usual unless the blasphemer were an Israelite.

Thus saith.

2Ch 32:10; Isa 10:8-14; 36:4; 37:13; Da 4:30

What confidence.

22,29,30; 19:10; 2Ch 32:7,8,10,11,14-16; Ps 4:2; Isa 36:4,7; 37:10

sayest. or, talkest. vain words. Heb. word of the lips. Ihave counsel and strength for the war. or, but counsel and strength are for the war.

Pr 21:30,31



trustest. Heb. trustest thee. the staff.

Isa 36:6; Eze 29:6,7

upon Egypt.

Isa 30:2,7; 31:1-3

so is Pharaoh.

17:4; Jer 46:17

We trust.

5; Da 3:15; Mt 27:43

whose high places.

4; 2Ch 31:1; 32:12; Isa 36:7; 1Co 2:15

pledges. Heb. hostages.

I will deliver.

1Sa 17:42,44; 1Ki 20:10,18; Ne 4:2-5; Ps 123:3,4; Isa 10:13,14

Isa 36:8,9

How then.

Isa 10:8; Da 2:37,38; 4:22,37

thy trust.

21; De 17:16; Isa 31:1,3; 36:6,9; Jer 37:7; 42:14-18; Eze 17:15,17


Ps 20:7,8

Am I now.

19:6,22-37; 1Ki 13:18; 2Ch 35:21; Isa 10:5,6; Am 3:6; Joh 19:10,11

Speak.Perceiving that the object of this blasphemous caitiff was to stir up the people to sedition, they mildly and reasonably required him to make his proposals in the Syrian language.

in the Syrian language.

Ezr 4:7; Isa 36:11,12; Da 2:4


6:25; De 28:53-57; Ps 73:8; La 4:5; Eze 4:13,15

their own piss. Heb. the water of their feet.


2Ch 32:18; Isa 36:13-18

the king of Assyria.

19; Ezr 7:12; Ps 47:2; Isa 10:8-13; Eze 29:3; 31:3-10; Re 19:6


Ps 73:8,9

Let not.

2Ch 32:11,15; Da 3:15-17; 6:16; Joh 19:10,11; 2Th 2:4,8

make you.


19:10,22; Ps 4:2; 11:1; 22:7,8; 71:9,11; 125:1,2; Mt 27:43; Lu 23:35

this city.


Make an agreement with me. or, Seek my favour. Heb. Makewith me a blessing.

Ge 32:20; 33:11; Pr 18:16

eat ye.

1Ki 4:20,25; Zec 3:10

cistern. or, pit.

I come.

11; 17:6,23; 24:14-16; 25:11

like your own.

Ex 3:8; Nu 13:26,27; 14:8; De 8:7-9; 11:12; 32:13,14

persuadeth. or, deceiveth.


Hath any.

19:12,13,17,18; 2Ch 32:14-17,19; Isa 10:10; 36:18-20

the gods.

19:13; Nu 13:21; 2Sa 8:9; Jer 49:23

Hamath.Hamath, there is little doubt, was the Epiphania of the Greeks, as Josephus, Theodoret, and Jerome, expressly assert. It was a celebrated city of Syria, situated on the Orontes, and the present Hamah doubtless occupies its site; as Abulfeda, who was prince or emir of Hamah about A.D. 1345, expressly states, in his Description of Syria, that Hamah is an ancient city mentioned in the writings of the Israelites. It is still a considerable town, situated on both sides of the Orontes, about three days' journey and a half from Tripoli; and must contain, Burckhardt says, at least 30,000 inhabitants.

Arpad.Arpad is probably the town of Arphas, mentioned by Josephus as limiting the province of Gamalitis, Gaulanitis, Batanea, and Trachonitis, to the N. E.; and the Raphan, or Raphanea, which Stephanus places near Epiphania.

the gods.



Isa 36:18,19; 37:11,12,18,19

have they delivered.

17:6,23,24,30,31; 19:12,13

Who are.

19:17; Da 3:15

that the Lord.

Ex 5:2; 2Ch 32:15; Job 15:25,26; Isa 10:15; 37:23-29

held their peace.

Ps 38:13,14; 39:1; Pr 9:7; 26:4; Am 5:13; Mt 7:6

with their clothes rent.

5:7; 22:11,19; Ge 37:29,34; Job 1:20; Isa 33:7; 36:21,22; Jer 36:24

Mt 26:65

2 Kings 19:10

18:5,29,30; 2Ch 32:15-19; Isa 37:10-14

2 Chronicles 32:7-10


De 31:6,7,23; Jos 1:6-9; 1Ch 28:10,20; Isa 35:4; Da 10:19

Zec 8:9,23; Eph 6:10; 2Ti 2:1

be not afraid.

20:15; 2Ki 18:30; 19:6,7

for there.

2Ki 6:16; Ro 8:31; 1Jo 4:4

an arm.

Job 40:9; Jer 17:5; 1Jo 4:4

with us.

13:12; 14:11; Ps 46:7,11; Isa 8:10; 41:10; Ac 18:10; 2Ti 4:17,22

to fight.

20:15; De 20:1,4; Jos 10:42

rested. Heb. leaned.

15; 20:20; Isa 36:18

upon the words.

Pr 12:25

A.M. 3294. B.C. 710. Sennacherib.

2Ki 18:17; Isa 36:2


Jos 10:31; 12:11; 15:39; Isa 37:8; Mic 1:13

power. Heb. dominion.

Thus saith.

2Ki 18:19; Isa 36:4

siege. Heb. strong-hold.

2 Chronicles 32:14-16


Isa 10:11,12

your God.

Ex 14:3; 15:9-11; Isa 42:8


2Ki 18:29; 19:10


11; 1Ki 22:22; Isa 36:18; Ac 19:26; Ga 1:10

much less.

Ex 5:2; Da 3:15; Joh 19:10,11


Job 15:25,26; Ps 73:9


Joh 15:21

Psalms 42:3


80:5; 102:9; 2Sa 16:12; *marg:


10; 3:2; 22:8; 79:10,12; 115:2

Psalms 42:10

As with.

3; Pr 12:18; Lu 2:35

sword. or, killing. while.

3; Joe 2:17; Mic 7:10

Psalms 71:10-11

and they.

10:9; 56:6; Pr 1:11

lay wait for. Heb. watch or observe.

37:32,33; 1Sa 19:11; Jer 20:10


2:2; 83:3; 2Sa 17:1-14; Mt 26:3,4; 27:1


3:2; 37:25,28; 41:7,8; 42:10; Mt 27:42,43,46,49

for there.

7:2; 50:22; 2Ch 32:13,14; Da 3:15
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