2 Kings 23:29-30

A.M. 3394. B.C. 610.

Pharaoh-nechoh.Pharaoh-nechoh, called [Nekos,] Necos, the son of Psammiticus, by Herodotus, was now was now marching "to make war upon the Medes and Babylonians, who had dissolved the Assyrian empire," the king of the latter being the famous Nabopollasar, who had also become king of Assyria.

33,34,35; 2Ch 35:20-24; Jer 46:2


2Ki 24:7; 2Ch 35:20; Jer 46:2

Josiah went.

2Ch 35:20-23

slew him.

2Ki 22:20; Ec 8:14; 9:1,2; Isa 57:1,2; Ro 11:33

Megiddo.Megiddo, called [Magdolon,] Magdolum, by Herodotus, was situated in the tribe of Manasseh, west of Jordan, in the valley of Jezreel, and not far fron Hadad-Rimmon, or Maximianopolis. This shews that Josiah reigned over the country formerly possessed by the ten tribes; and it is also probable, that Nechoh had landed his troops at or near Cæsarea of Palestine.

9:27; Jos 17:11; Jud 1:27; 5:19; 1Ki 4:12; Zec 12:11


Re 16:16

Armageddon. he had seen him.



9:28; 1Ki 22:33-38; 2Ch 35:24

the people.

14:21; 21:24; 2Ch 36:1,2-4

2 Kings 23:34


Jos 18:18; 2Ch 36:3,4

the son.

1Ch 3:15


24:17; Ge 41:45; Da 1:7

Jehoiakim."Called Jakim, Mt 1:11."

he came.

Jer 22:11,12; Eze 19:3,4

2 Kings 24:6

A.M. 3405. B.C. 599. sleptAs Jehoiakim was "buried with the burial of an ass," by being "drawn and cast forth beyond the gates of Jerusalem," without internment, the expression "slept with his fathers," can only mean that the died, or slept the sleep of death. In the East, a body exposed during the night would be a prey to wild animals; if any of it were left till the morning, the carnivorous birds would devour it.

2Ch 36:6,8; Jer 22:18,19; 36:30

Jehoiachin.As this man reigned only three months, and was a mere vassal of the king of Babylon, his reign is scarcely reckoned; and therefore Jeremiah (ch. 31:30) says of Jehoiakim, "he shall have none to sit upon the throne of David."

2 Kings 24:12


2Ch 36:10; Jer 24:1; 29:1,2; 38:17,18; Eze 17:12

officers. or, eunuchs. took him.

25:27; Jer 52:28,31

eigth year."Nebuchadnezzar's eighth year."

Jer 25:1; 52:28

2 Kings 25:5-7

and overtook.

Isa 30:16; Jer 24:8; 39:5; 52:8; Am 2:14-16

they took.

2Ch 33:11; Jer 21:7; 34:21,22; 38:23; La 4:19,20; Eze 17:20,21

Eze 21:25-27


23:33; Jer 52:9

gave judgment upon him. Heb. spake judgment with him.

they slew.

Ge 21:16; 44:34; De 28:34; Jer 22:30; 39:6,7; 52:10,11

and put out. Heb. and made blind.Thus were fulfilled the apparently contradictory prophecies of Jeremiah and Ezekiel--that his eyes should see the king of Babylon, but Babylon he should not see, though he should die there.

Jer 32:4,5; 34:3; Eze 12:13-16

bound him.

Jud 16:21; 2Ch 33:11; 36:6; Ps 107:10,11; 149:8; Eze 7:27; 17:16-20

2 Chronicles 35:25


Jer 22:10; La 4:20

all the singing.

Job 3:8; Ec 12:5; Jer 9:17-21; Mt 9:23

and made them.

Jer 22:20

2 Chronicles 36:3

put him down. Heb. removed him.

2Ki 23:33

condemned. Heb. mulcted.

2 Chronicles 36:6

A.M. 3397. B.C. 607. came up.

2Ki 24:1,2,5,6,13-20; Eze 19:5-9; Da 1:1,2; Hab 1:5-10

fetters. or, chains.

2 Chronicles 36:10

when the year was expired. Heb. at the return of the year.king Nebuchadnezzar.

2Ki 24:10-17; 25:27-30; Jer 29:2; Eze 1:2

goodly vessels. Heb. vessels of desire.

7; Jer 27:18-22; Da 1:1,2; 5:2,23


2Ki 24:17

Mattaniah his father's brother.

1Ch 3:15,16; Jer 37:1
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